Are The Bangtan Boys!
We'll always save the day.
And if you say we can't,
Suga will punch you in the face.
Thats why the people
Believe in
Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung...
Having to watch Jade-beom and Lisa suck each other's faces off for the last 50 years, you'd think it wouldn't disgust her as much now.
Oh but it did.
She could understand. Tomorrow, Jade-beom would be following herself and the rest of the team into war. Who wouldn't cling on to their love ones?
But jeez. This was borderline pornagraphic.
And why did Jade-beom like such a black hearted raging bitch anyway?
"It's worse if you just sit there and stare at them, Ari love."
The sound of Aria's favorite person's voice quickly caused the disgust simmering in her stomach to be overtaken by butterflies. A smile made the corners of her lips twitch. She did her best to keep the look of disgust so she didn't look totally whipped.
"You'd think we weren't technically asexual creatures the way they're always all over eachother."
The person chuckled and the smooth, velvety sound caused goosebumps to raise on Aria's entire body.
"Maybe that's the power of being in love rather than the power of sexual attraction."
Aria gulped but stood her ground.
"That's the power of obsession and unhealthy dependency. I could never-"
Before she could finish her sentence, the feeling of her long orange hair being gently swept behind her neck by cool smooth hands made the rest of her words choke up in her throat.
"Im sorry, please continue love."
The voice was several inches closer now, almost like a whisper in her ear. The heat of the other person's body was so close to Aria's skin, a slight beading of sweat began to gather on Aria's brow.
Her orange eyes searched frantically around to see if any potential witnesses were in the area.
Jade beom and Lisa were too caught up in their own moment to notice the two other gems behind them, and they were the only two around.
If Aria wasn't totally holding her breath from the clear tension between herself and the other person, she would've sighed from relief.
She didn't want any of the others on her team to see how completely weak and gay she was for her second in command, Millie.
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Millie settled her hands on Aria's waist on top of her orange armor and rubbed her nose gently along the younger's exposed throat. Aria was borderline shaking from the tension in her body being wound so tight.