Chapter 2

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Once me and Cas were home. We landed outside and he held my arm before I went in. Making me look into his worry blue eyes. "Y/N, listen to me. He is someone not to trust."

"I know Cas. He's a demon. I'll be fine. Let's go." Trying to giving him a reassuring smile. Then walk inside with him right behind me.

Walking into the house. I heard Sam first from the living room. "Why were you going after her?"

Then a deep British accent came across. It was actually really sexy. "Oh, you know. To take her, torture her." He says sarcastically. Then seriously. "Why can't you believe I was just going to help!" He yells slightly. That accent made a shiver run down my spine. Something about it was so soothing.

"Because you don't help Crowley." Sam retorts.

Crowley? Once I turn the corner i see a man with brown hair, dressed in a black suit with a red tie.. He was actually extremely handsome. Strong jaw, soft lips.  What did I just say? No. No, no, no. I scolded myself. Shaking my head. Then I walked towards them. Dad was the first to notice me. "BabyDoll." Quickly comes over to me, between me and the demon. I'm assuming so he doesn't see me.

"So this is Y/N." Sticking his tongue out slightly for moment before biting his bottom lip.

"No." Dad said pushing me away. "How did you get here so fast." Taking me out of the room to the kitchen.

"I made Cas bring me here." Placing my hands on my hips as Cas looks down. Complete guilt taking over him.

My dad scolded Cas. "And you bring her here!" He yelled at the angel.

"Dad!" I yelled and groaned.

"No BabyDoll. You shouldn't be here!"

"I'll be fine. I face worse things then demons all the time." I shrug.

He sighs and looks into my (E/C) eyes. "He's not just any demon. Hes the king of hell. Or that's what's he's calling himself."

"Really? Someone's taking over hell." This was new for me.

"Yup. And it's him."

"Welp. Let's go." Waking past him into the room.

"Dolly no!" He tried to stop me but I ignored him. "Ya idjit!" He yells at me.

Crowley is looking right at me as I walk in. "Hello love." He says in his accent that is music to me already. As much as I hate to it admit it out loud. I was already falling for it. Him for that matter, but I knew it was wrong.

"My name is Y/N. Not love." Walking around to Sam.

He's already scolding me. "What are you doing in here?"

I stand right next to him looking up at him. He really does make me feel small. Then I look at the king of hell. His eyes has never left me once. "What do you want?" Crossing my arms facing him.

"Why can't you just believe I was going to help you." He smirks. Biting his lip again.

"That's because demons don't help. And if your this so called." Starting to walk around him. "King of hell." He stands there just moving his eyes to watch me. "Then you have a motive. So..what is it?" I whisper right behind him." Trying to tease him a bit.

He chuckled. Turning his head towards me and whispers back seductively. "The same thing you want." As he sees me checking him out. My eyes landing on his lips. Making me bite my bottom lip but I quickly shake it off. He chuckles. "I need moose and squirel to take out some demons." Looking back to Sam. "Sound good?"

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