Chapter 17

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"Remember what I said earlier darling?" I nodded my head as I bit my lower lip. "Then you should know what I'm doing." As he kisses the back of my neck making me close my eyes and moan out lightly.

Pressing my body further into crowley's. Needing to be closer to him, he lightly caresses my stomach. His other hand still playing with my nipple.

Placing my right hand over his left wrist. Then turn my body slight so I can weave my fingers through his hair while he's still behind me. With my left hand. Then kissing him passionately. "Crowley." I moaned agaisnt his lips.

He tugged my nipple harder causing me to moan a little louder. Crowley growled agaisnt my lips. "Who's your king."

"You are." I whimper as he twist my nipple harder and his hand on my stomach slides down into my panties. Making me bite my bottom lip in anticipation. Looking into one another's lust filled eyes.

Crowley slides his finger between my slit. Slowly rubbing my already wet pussy. I whine a bit, feeling unsatisfied. I wanted more. "Crowley." I beg out.

"What love." His voice even deeper and rough. I trying to bring my hips forward as his fingers run over my entrance to my clit making me want more friction.

"I need more. I want more." I practically whine as I beg.

He smirks at me. Then slides two fingers into my wet pussy. Slowly going in and out. I moan and close my eyes. Pulling on his hair slightly.

"Open your eyes." He demands and I follow his orders. "Look in the mirror." I bite my lip and do as told. Looking at how his fingers are still tugging and twist my nipple. As his other one is hidden in my lace panties but I can feel his fingers fucking me. My one arm is raised as the other practically digs into his suits sleeve. "I want you to watch as I fuck you." Picking up the pace making moan again. I am embarrassed though. As much as this was hot I was still shy so I closed my eyes as I let out a moan. Crowley stopped as I did. When i opened them I saw him looking in the mirror examining my whole body. "Why are you looking away?" Asking me gently.

I bit my bottom lip. Shaking my head lightly. He kisses my neck to try and encourage me. "I'm just a little embarrassed." I mumble.

"Don't. Your gorgeous love. Everything about you is perfect. Look at yourself." I do as I'm told. "Everything about you is perfect."

I can't help but let a tear fall. For years I lived with scars on my body. The reminder that I was tortured. Now I have nothing. They are all gone. From my shoulders and back down my arms. Even the one that were on my side. The one that he bit into, to show people he tried to control me. Have dissappeared. I ran my one hand from crowley's hand down my shoulders, until they landed on where the bit mark use to be. Letting my fingers feel the soft (S/C) skin. No more roughness, tough skin, or even bumpy. It was all natural now.

"See darling." Kissing my neck again. "You are beautiful. Even when you had those scars." Crowley removes his hands from my breast and my panties placing them on my hips. "You were still gorgeous." Rubbing my hips lightly as I held his wrist again tighter. "Everything about you is special darling. From your sparkling (E/C) eyes." Raising his right hand up to my face, gently caressing my cheek. "To you beautiful plump lips." Then running his thumb along my lips. "Down to your sexy body." Running his hand down my chest, stomach, everywhere his hand could touch until it landed on my hip again.

By the end I did know. I let out more tears. Crowley turned me around gently. I released his arm, wiping my tears away. As he wrapped his one arm around my waist keeping my close. While his other hand came up to my face wiping a couple tears, making me place my hands on his shoulder.

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