Chapter 6

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Y/N P.O.V;
Waking up i feel someone's hand on mine. Trying to force my eyes to open. When I finally open them I see I'm no longer in the study but my room.

"Morning Dolly." Dad breathes.

I smile at hearing his voice as i look at him. "Morning dad." Holding his hand back tight. While he gently caress my hand with his thumb.

"Ya alright."

I nod slightly. "Yeah. Just a bit sore and tired." Looking down, i realise I'm in a change of clothes. Some sweats with a long sleeve shirt. "Who changed me." Looking at dad again.

"I did. Don't worry. It was quick. I didn't want the boys to worry so much when they saw you."

I looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?" Trying to sit up. But I still felt a little light headed. He pushed me back down gently sitting on the edge of the bed. Making me rest my body.

"Woah killer. You still need to rest. Your head, from what Cas and that damn demon said, you had a huge gash on the back of your head. Your entire shirt was covered. All the way down to your shorts. Cas said you barely managed to survive. So I changed you real quick."

"But weren't you guys killing those rogue demons and stuff?" I questioned.

He nods. "Yeah, but Crowley got a hold of Cas. He was pretty annoyed when he came back. We just finished the job. The minute he mentioned your name I ran right out of there."

I held his hand tighter. A tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm okay dad." I barely mange to say without letting a whimper escape. My dad lost a lot of people. I knew I was important to him and I wouldn't want to hurt him by being stupid and getting myself killed. Probably one of the reasons why he is so protracted over me.

"I know." He smiles. "Just worry sometimes." Kissing my forehead.

I smile at him. Then look into his warm eyes. "Are the boys here yet?"

"Should be soon." He pauses for a moment looking at my hand. "They hand to finish up the job. Shouldn't be much longer."

I nod. "I'm gonna shower before they get here."

He nods. Then helps me stand up by holding onto my hands for me. As I stand using them for support. "Just take it easy."

"I know." I mumble as I walk slowly with him to the shower. He helps me into the bathroom. Thankfully staying with my slow pace. I shut the door when he leaves and lock it.

"Tell me when your done." He yells through the door.

"I can manage the walk to my room dad."

"I'm not playing Dolly." His serious tone kicks in. Meaning there is no room for arguing.

I sigh knowing he's going to be this way for a couple days. "Alright dad."

He mumbles good then I hear him walk away. I turn on the shower and let the water heat up as I undress. Tossing my clothes aside then stepping into the shower. I let the warm water run over my body. Enjoying ever minute of it. Cleaning my hair which was terrible, since it was all knotted up from my blood and dirt. I took my good time cleaning it all out. Making sure it was completely clean. Then using my vanilla body wash.

Once I was all cleaned and shaven. I turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower. Drying myself off with a towel. Then brushing my hair. Leaving my hair down I wrapped a towel around my body.

"Dad!" I yelled opening the door.

"Coming." He yelled back up.

"I'm fine. Just letting you know!" As i take my time to the room. My head was still pounding but if I took it nice and slow, I would be fine.

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