Chapter 15

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About two hours laters, I have eaten dinner as dad has finally arrived. He was in the garage changing my tire and checking out my engine. I was watching a bit of the news. Seeing if anything was out of the ordinary. Not too long after dad finally came in growling and mumbling.

He walked over to me and sighed. As i looked at him I could see how annoyed he was. "Everything okay pop?"

"No." He grumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"Your damn engine. Something happened and it's not workin now." He sighed. "Gotta get a whole new engine for ya."

I sighed. "Fuck." Letting my head fall back onto the couch.

"What did you do to it? Have you not been keeping up on anything?"

"I have!" I exclaim as I look at him again. "I just did the oil change, spark plugs, air filter, all of those things! I even got a new belt for it since the old one was ready to go!"

He sighed. "I don't know then. Maybe it was just it's time then. For now you can get another car for now. I have a couple you can use."

"Sorry dad." I sigh.

"It's alright." It remained quiet between us for a couple moments before he spoke again. "I'm gonna go get changed."

"I ordered dinner." I say. "Yours is on the counter."

"Thanks." He mumble a before going up the stairs.

I sigh and watch tv but he comes back down. There was nothing weird happening, but it gave me time to think.

I really wanted to be with Crowley. As much as I would try to find reasons to not be with him, I couldn't find any. I truly love him. I spent years trying to flirt with him, and even show him how I felt, but the moment I finally get what I want, im pushing it back. I don't know what made me react the way I did but I had to apologize to him. I do want to spend my entire life with him.

That when I hear my dad's foot steps come down. Then heads to the kitchen. "Everything okay when I was gone?" I heard him opening the box of food I order him.

I sighs knowing it's best if I tell him. "Yeah. But have you ever heard of someone name Rowena?" I asked as if it's no big deal.

"What?" He ask slightly angry again. Maybe the boys would of been better. I sigh awaiting the yelling. "WHAT THE HELL!" He screams. I just nod my head slightly even if he can't see me. "DID SHE COME HERE!"

"Yup." I mumble, but he heard me.

"BALLS! CALL DEAN AND SAM. BETTER YET GET THAT DAMN DEMON HERE!" Continuing his rage of fury as he toss his box of food back onto the counter, I hope, and grabs his phone. Spitting out curses.

I sigh grabbing my phone next to me and calling Crowley figuring he was calling the boys.

Crowley did not pick up the first or second time I called. So I knew I had to summon him. Walking to the devils trap, since I couldn't trust him, then grabbing the stuff to summon him. That's when the handsome, angry demon showed. His hands in his jacket pockets as he looked over my figure.

"No hello?" I tease as I walk right in front of the trap he's in.

"No." He says with no emotion, now meeting my eyes. It hurt me a lot to hear him talk to me like that. "What do you want? I have a lot I need to do."

"Crowley." I whisper with hurt in my voice. I bite my bottom lip as he looks away. "I want to be with you."

"Just not forever." He practically spits at me, meeting me with hurt in his eyes.

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now