Chapter 5

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I walk in and Crowley sees my hair a little crazy. He chuckles a bit. "Fun chat?"

"Yeah. He was a pleasure." I say a little annoyed. Putting the angel blade on the counter.

"How many?"

"Just one. For now though. I'm sure there will be more later." Filling up a cup with water then taking a sip.

"Are you sure you don't want my help darling?"

"I'm sure." Then finishing off my drink. Then going back to the window to look out. 

"I could be of help love."

"Trust me Crowley. If I need help i would call for Cas. Not you." I glare at him. Then I double check everything again.

"Ouch darling. That hurts." He jokes.

"That's funny. I forgot you had a heart."

He chuckles a bit. Then I clean my blade off once I'm sure it's secure. I know for a fact there will be more so I barricade the front and back door.

"Locking down?" Crowley ask a bit entertained.

"Just in case." I mumble. When I peak back out the window I see a couple more. "Looks like just in time anyway."

"What do you mean?" Crowley's voice held worry and anger in it.

"I see another 3. But I'm sure there is more."

"If you let me out I'll help." Trying to convince me that he can be of use.

"No." Walking away to grab the two angel blades and put them inside my jacket. The first thing I learned was to never trust a demon.

"Your going to get yourself killed!" He whisper shouts.

"Stop being loud. They'll hear you." I snap. Going to the back window.

"Well then don't leave! Call that bloody angel."

"Crowley I'll be fine." Then I go over and undo his straps removing the chair, in case I need to keep one of them. Placing it in the other trap. Drawling the circle to know it will work.

"Don't go." He begs me more sincencer.

I go to the window. Grabbing my shot gun. "I'll be back."

"Y/N!" He shouts again lowly. But more demanding.

I just wave at him smiling. Then blowing him a kiss. Going out the window. I grab the machete I left in the bush. Then sneak to were all the cars were. Looking through i see someone walking between them. I can see it's fangs. Vampire. Gripping the machete tightly. I run to him and slice off his head from behind. Killing him. Then I hide his body. One down. Only a lot to go. Fuck me.

Then I walk back and see three of them in front of the house. But I see another in the distance. I look at them to see if I can figure it out. I see one sniffing the air, so werewolf or vampire. I grab my machete. Deciding to take him out first. Thankfully he's slowly approaching me. I try to keep my breathing and heart beat steady so he doesnt hear me. Once he's close enough I slice off his head.

The other three look at me. Now it's time. Grabbing one of the angel blades in my free hand, I smirk at them. "So. Who's first."

"The so called king." One of the demon smirks.

"So you." I started running at him.

One of the other two monsters run at me. I slid under their arms and stab the demon with the angel blade. Killing him instantly.

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now