Chapter 18

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"Your demons are just gathering in the throne room!" She yells shocked and upset. "Do they just do as they please?" She asked shocked as she places a hand on her hips.

"No. Me and Y/N are a going into a meeting." His side facing his mother and he faces me waiting in me. "Darling." His voice getting my attention. I look at him with a smile.


"Yes." He says with no emotion at her shockness.

"Spill all your secrets to this hunter! She will drag you down Crowley. She will find all your demons and kill them." She tries to get him against me.

"If one of them touches her they die by me, now excuse us." Placing his hand on my back as me, him and Juliet passes by her. Who was still fuming.

"Fergus!" She shouts.

We just ignore her and make out way to the throne room. It was quiet for a moment. It was true what she said. If I was to be queen I would have to be loyal. I couldn't be killing his demons....our demons. I sigh as I look down.

"What's wrong love?"

I look up at him as he looks at me with worry. "We need to discuss something after this meeting." I knew what I wanted. I would throw away everything for him. Of course if the boys or dad needed help I would help, but Crowley was all I wanted. Needed for that matter.

"What is it darling." Stopping dead in our tracks as his worry grew. "I can push the meeting aside."

"No Crowley." I smile at him. "Everything is fine. Perfect for that fact. Let's do this meeting." Then I walk forward towards the throne room as he follows.

Once we enter Crowley sits on his throne as I stand next to him, but Crowley isn't satisfied. "Sit darling." Patting his leg.

Even with all the demons around, they don't pay attention to me and him. Instead they are worried about Juliet who growled at them as we entered the room. I sat on his lap. Crossing my legs to get comfy.

"Sit." I told Juliet. She did right in front of my legs. As if to protect me from what might happen.

Crowley legs were opened so my legs could go between them. His one arm that was behind my back rested on the arm chair as the other rest on my lap.

He nodded his head for the demons to start which they did. Slightly confused from me sitting on Crowley but they did.

They talked about the souls counts. How everything was fine until the three demons he mentioned. He punished the two that were slacking off. As for the third one he called him into the throne room. Crowley glared at him as he looked away scared. I could actually see the sweat from his nerves.

"You can either return the souls and die quickly or I will kill you slow and painfully, being used as Juliet's new play toy." Crowley said with no emotion.

From what I read in the files he just turned into a demon. The young demon remained quiet. As i examined him I could see he was petrified. Crowley was about to raise his hand off my lap but I held it and leaned to Crowley whispering so no one else could hear. "Are you sure he is keeping them? Look at his form." Nodding to him. Crowley does as told. "He's literally sweating. If he was keeping the souls for his own use he wouldn't be worried, let alone sweating. Something is wrong."

Crowley remains quiet. Motioning with his hand to let me question him. I can tell he wanted to see how I would handle situations if he was not around.

"What's your name?" I ask him as I sit up straight and tall. Speaking with confidence. Crowley adjusted below me but I kept my focus.

The young demon finally met my eyes. "Damon."

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now