Chapter 9

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I was wearing a black pencil skirt. With a while blouse, and a black jacket. Then I put on my heels. Grabbing my fake FBI badge. Attaching it to my jacket. So people could see it. Then grabbing my gun and grabbing my weapons bag. Putting the blade in there as well.

Making sure I have my keys and phone as well. Then leaving the room locking it behind me. Putting everything into the jeep. In my safe in back that was completely warded securly. Placing the bag in there then locking it up. Just as I shut the back, of course I see the black impala. I sighed annoyed that they didn't listen to me.

Dean was the first one to come out. No y even bothering to turn off the car. "What the hell do you think your doing?" As Sam turns off the vehicle. Getting out of the passenger seat.

"I'm going to interview the families." I say walking to the driver side of the jeep.

"No. I mean why are you doing this alone! If you use yourself as bait, without anyhelp. Your going to get yourself killed." He says angry. "And if they are the same dragons as before then they will recognise you."

"I know Dean. But I don't want it." I say angrily as I get into the jeep.

Dean keeps the door open. "Your not doing this alone."

"Yes I am!" I shout. "I need to. What don't you understand Dean!" Snapping my eyes in his direction. "When Sammy was killed or taken did you let me help you in anything? No! You needed to do it yourself. I even followed you once and you tied me up, left me somewhere then came back once you did what you needed to do. So let me be nice. Leave or I'll fucking break your hand." Glaring at the one that was still on the door, holding it open.

Dean obviously didn't get the hit so I kindly yanked his hand off my door. Bending it, so i could break it. "I said." With a fake smile. "Leave. Or I'll break your hand." Now growling at him.

Dean winced a bit. "No. Break it." Daring me. "If that's how badly you want me to le- ah!"

He screams as I dislocate a finger. "Should I repeat myself?"


"BABYDOLL!" Sam yells. I glare at Sam. "How about me and Dean just stay here until you kill them. For precautions. Please. Just let him go."

I see Dean pretty pissed. So I put his finger back in place then toss his hand aside. He backs up from me moving his fingers again. "Fine. But the next time you mess with me I promise you I will break your fingers. One, by one." Then shut my door. Then pull out of the parking lot heading to the first victims parents house.

Once I pulled up I looked at my notes. "This was Brittanys family." Looking at the ranch house. It was a clean house. Cute yard. I get out fixing myself. Then approach. I see her mom outside on the porch. Sitting on her swing. "Hello. Mrs. Miller?" I question.

She looks toawrds me. Seeing my badge and looks away towards a blue car. "I already told the other officers all I know."

"I know miss. I'm just here to clarify."

"The FBI involved now?" She questioned looking in my eyes.

I nod. "Yes Ma' am. I'm-"

"I don't care for your name. I just want my daughter back."

I nod a bit. "Okay ma' am. When was the last time you seen your daughter?" Pulling out my notebook with a pen.

"She was getting ready for a party. She was wearing a purple and pink dress."

"Was it at a friends house, club..."

"She said they would meet at a friends then go to a club. It was her friends bachelorette party."

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