Chapter 16

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Crowley glares at me as I smiled at him. "What do you think your doing?" Trying to keep his voice even.

I dropped my smile. "I want to talk to her. She doesn't get to place a hex bag on me then disappear." I practically growl.

"Even if you left her she would of called Cas." Sam told him truthfully as we stood in an alley way.

He growled. "Fine." Then snapped his fingers. I was now in shorts, a red loose tangtop that had an open back mainly and cute shoes to match. "Can't exactly walk around with what you wore could you?" He smirks a bit.

I smile at him and thank him. It was pretty nice. I held his hand as we walked out of an alleyway. Mainly because the streets were crowded and I didn't want to loose them. I left my phone at home.

"Where too?" Sam asked.

Crowley pointed at the hotel at the corner. It was pretty huge. "Mother has rented the penthouse obviously." He sighed.

"Can't you snap us up there?" Sam asked.

"No. She has warded her room. You and her have to go up, break the warding then I'll be up there in a blink of an eye." Smiling a bit.

"It's not that easy though is it?" Sam said annoyed.

"If it wasn't I wouldn't send my darling in with you." He said completely serious.

Sam sighed but nodded. "Alright." Sam extended his hand out for me. I looked at him a little curious as to what his plan was as Crowley growled a bit. Sam sighed annoyed at Crowley's protective nature. "It's so nobody bothers us. If we act as a couple people-"

"Will be to uncomfortable to look at us." I smirk a bit at his thought.

Sam nods. "Fine, but no funny bussiness." Crowley practically growled at Sam.

"Maybe." Sam teases as he holds my hand pulling me away from Crowley. Crowley was just glaring and i giggled a bit. It was pretty cute. Once we are about to step inside I pull my hand away from his and wrap it around his body instead as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. We walked inside laughing and flirting back and forth until we reached the elevator. Even inside we had to keep up the act. We were around a couple guest and a couple employees. Sams plan worked. They were all avoiding to look at us by either looking away or at their feet.

Once we made it to the top we stepped out. Finally being able to release one another. We went to the room Crowley told us before we left his side. Approaching the number, Sam and me stood on the sides of the door so we were out of the peepholes view.

Sam held his gun as he handed me cuffs. He knocked on the door a couple times. Once it opened we heard her.

"Who the hell-" but Sam stands in front holding the door open with one hand and the gun pointed at her with the other. She smiled a bit. "Why. Hello Sam." Trying to step closer.

"Don't come any close." Sam warned. That's when I pop out into view with a smile.

"Damn." She said immediately losing her smile as I put the cuffs on her.

"Now why don't we have a talk." I said. She turned around and I pushed her forward.

"Come now Sam. Is this really necessary." She jiggled her cuffs. As i pushed her to the couch. Seeing all the wardings around.

"I'll break the wardings."

I walked away while Sam and her talked. His gun was away since the cuffs were witch resistant. Breaking the last one that's when Crowley appear.

"Mother." Crowley growled as he approached her.

Rowena stood up with her hand together with a sad look on her face. "Fergus. You need to help me! I'm innocent."

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now