Chapter 13

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Once me and Crowley were in the shower. He pressed my back to the wall. The warm water running over us. Licking my lips for entry but I denied. Instead I bit his tongue lightly. Making him groan then growl. I releases his tongue with a smirk.

"Your messing with something, you cannot handle." He growls, red eyes glaring into my (E/C) eyes. Lust filling his completely. As his hard member his pressing against my entrance.

I smirk at him. "Try me, my king." I say seductively as I bit my lower lip.

Crowley rams his dick straight into my wetness. Making my head go back as I scream in pain and pleasure. Crowley immediately attacking my nipple. Biting it a bit aggressively. Making me scream from pleasure and pain. It hurt but damn did it feel so good. I dug my nails into his shoulders. Surely to leave marks. He groans a bit. Pulling out of me, just leaving the tip of dick inside of me then ramming himself right back in. As hard as he could. Making me slam against the wall. I screamed again. But I knew that was what he wanted. So the next time he did it i bit my lip. Forcing myself not to scream.

He glares right into my eyes. Digging my nails even harder into his shoulders. Amything to not scream. I loved every thrust. Damn it felt so good. But I was not going to let him have all the fun. I had to fight a bit.

Crowley pulled away a bit smirking. Then snapped his fingers forcing my hands to be pressed against the wall above my head. Making it so I cannot touch him. Then he pulled out of me. Making me whimper a bit. Using his power to make me stay against the wall. Not touching me anymore.

I see his hard dick throbbing. Wanting it back inside of me. But I could not move. I was pretty much on display for Crowley. I didn't like it at first. But I saw how much it turned him on and damn I loved it.

"I'll torture you if I must. Darling." He growls a bit. "I always get, what I want." He smirks. Sucking on my one nipple again and playing with the other. I forced myself not to moan. Screwing my eyes shut. Trying to stay quiet. He tugged my nipple, pulling on it. It felt amazing. His mouth was sucking, and nipping on my nipple. That was even better. Then his free hand slid down to my wetness. Slowly stroking it.

I was about to moan. Tell him I wanted more. So much more. But I wouldn't. I would want him to cave first. Then he slowly inserted three fingers into entrance. Making me open my mouth slightly. My eyes rolling back. I didn't make a peep. But oh my god it felt amazing. Especially when he start to move him fingers in and out of me at an agonizingly slow pace.

It was brutal. All I wanted was for him to fuck me. Take me. Do whatever her wanted. But he kept up his little game. I was starting to get close. I started to clench around his fingers but he pulled out and stopped playing with my nipples. I looked into his lustful eyes that were now brown. Breathing heavily. I needed to cum.

He was angry that i wasn't giving in. I couldn't help but smirk. Taking deep breathes as I tried to control myself. "What's king." I panted out.

"You will beg." As he smirked. Then lowers himself so his face is at my entrance. I looked at him pleadingly. If he did that, I was afraid I would loose it. Crowley held my hips. Letting his forced off my body but not my hands. My legs were resting on his shoulders. His hot breathe hitting my wet, sensitive core. "You asked for it darling." As he took one long lick from my entrance to my clit.

Making me shiver. A small whimper escspe me. Biting my lip again to cause no more sounds to escape. It was already so great. I knew I was going to lose it. But I had to be strong. I took one deep breathe and spoke with a weak voice. "Good luck. My king."

He shoved his to his straight into my wetness. Biting my lip to stop my screaming. Then his nose pressed against my clit lightly. Making me open my mouth slightly. Crowley swirled his tongue inside of me. I could help myself anymore. "CROWLEY. FUCK!" I scream in pleasure.

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