Chapter 19

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When I open my eyes, I realize immediately I'm in bed. Soft sheets covering me with Crowley's button up on me and just my panties underneath. Opening my eyes I see I'm in the dark. No Crowley next to me. Turning on the lamp that's next to the bed then standing up. The shirt falls to my mid thighs. He can't still be working.

I need to check up on Crowley. So I slowly make my way our of the bedroom. Into the hall to Crowley office. Once I'm outside I slowly open the door. When I open it I see Crowley with his jacket on the back of the chair, his sleeves rolled up. Really focusing on the papers.

"Babe." I say as I enter the room.

"Hello love." Not even looking up as he signs his name on a piece of paper.

"Busy?" I ask as I approach his desk.

"Very." He sighs. Putting down the paper and looking at me. Scanning my body for a moment before resting on my (E/C) eyes.

"Need any help?" I ask as I walk around the desk.

"I'm alright love." Giving a tired smile as he pushes out from the desk a bit. Giving me room to sit on his lap.

Which I gratefully do. Sitting on his leg as I look at the paper he's looking over. It's just more reports. "You need some rest." I mumble. As i start to continue his work.

"Darling. I don't sleep." He chuckles lightly.

I can't help but smile even if he can't see my face. "I know. Doesn't mean you can't take a couple hours to relax." Looking at him with a smile. Then looking back and sign a couple papers for him.

"I am perfectly capable of continuing." I can hear the amusement in his voice as he slides one hand down my back, then sliding it under the shirt to rest on my rear.

"I know." Then he give it a light squeeze. I put the paper and pen down then look at him. Placing my hands in my lap. "Besides if you come to bed, I can help you relax. Its been a long day." I try to give him a small smile. "With you mother today, it's been hectic." We both laugh a bit.

"Right you are love."

Now I look around at the empty room. Then back at him. "Where is she anyway?"

He sighs the caresses my thigh with his other hand. "I kicked her out of hell. After what she was saying about you, I couldn't stand it anymore. She won't be coming back until she can clean up her attitude."

I can't help but smile a bit. "That is very sweet of you." He chuckled. Picking me up bridal style. Standing up out of the chair. I yelp a bit in surprised and wrap my arms around his neck. "Taking a break?" I ask as he walks out of the office.

Crowley chuckled. "I suppose a couple hours wouldn't be so bad." He teased me.

Once we went the room he places me on the bed. Discarding his tie, shirt, shoes, pants and laying in bed next to me. I lay my head on his chest. Holding him tightly. Crowley wrapped his arm around my body holding me close. Gently caressing my back with the tips of his fingers sending bolts of electric down my body. His hard length standing tall and ready for attention. Making me smirk a bit.

"What happened to relaxing me." I can hear the smirk on his face. I look up at him, not being able to hold back my smile.

"I never said I wouldn't." I tease as I adjust so I straddle him. "I just wanted to feel you against me."

Crowley chuckles. "Oh you will." Then snapping his fingers he removes what little clothes we have on, off. His hard dick hitting my butt. "Relax me." He smirks. Placing his hands on my thighs.

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