Chapter 8

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I see Crowley in his boxers in a demon trap. As the other me in is nothing but her underwear. I can see she obviously had a fight. She was bruise and her lip was cut. Crowley had some scratches and was bruised as well. He gave me an apologetic look. Quickly looking away.

"Well, well, well. Y/N." Standing up with a gun in her hand. "Come in and shut the door." Pointing it at me.

I do as she says. Looking away from Crowley. I'm hurt. Did they knew it wasn't me right? Trying to hold back tears I stand tall glaring into her eyes.

"Let Crowley go." I say in a determined voice.

"Awe now why would i? It's the only way I know you'll behave." As she holds my angel blade in her hand.

"Let him go!" I yell. "I'll do whatever you say!" I yell. My voice breaking as she slices his arm lightly. Making him wince a bit.

"No. Do you know why I kill men?" Looking into my eyes as she cuts Crowley again. Who fights back the pain. Only squeezing his eyes tight.

"Why." I practically beg. Just wishing she would stop hurting Crowley. I see him looking into my eyes. Mouthing to me 'its alright.'

"They are all liars. Cheaters. They cannot even tell when theywoman they are sleeping with, isn't there true lover."

"So you purposely sleep with the men then kill them?"

"No.." cutting deeper on crowley's arm. "I teach them a lesson first. I knew you cared for him. I had to see if he was worthy."

Crowley spoke. "I knew you weren't her."

"Not at first. You let me kiss you, hug you. You held me. Then we came here."

"That's when I knew." He snapped.

"Then why are we half naked!" She shouts gesturing between them.

I realised now Crowley only did this to try and kill her.

Crowley looked into my eyes as he spoke. "I knew from the minute you walked back out of the restaurant you weren't my Y/N."

Making me smile and let out a tear. "LIAR!" She screamed ready to stab him. That's when i quickly ran over pushing her down to the ground. Making her drop the gun and the knife. I punched her while I straddled her. Anger surged through my body. She was ready to kill Crowley. She hurt so many others. I saw the silver blade. I quickly grabbed it and stabbed her in her heart. Killing her. But I didn't stop. I kept stabbing her. Time and time again.

Until I felt someone pull me off. "Y/N!" I heard Crowley shout. Forcing me out of my trance. I snapped my head back to Crowley. Tears in my eyes. I quickly got up dropping the knife and runnng to him. His arms already open. Ready for me.

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now