Chapter 12

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We went back to the motel. Crowley stayed with me. Even when we went in the impala. I got an ear load from Sam and Dean about what happened. I refused to tell them about what happened. But I knew me and Crowley would have this talk. So i'd rather have it just once.

Then Dean started with Crowley. "And you." Dean glares at Crowley through the rear view. He is sitting behind Sam as I'm behind dean. But we are next to each other holding each others hand tightly. Our hands are in my lap.

Crowley looks at him amusingly. "Me?" He ask innocently still amused.

"Don't you say it like that." Dean says annoyed. "You know what you did."

"If you mean saving BabyDoll then your welcome." He smirks. Holding my hand tighter.

I smiled a bit of how he's acting. "Hey! Don't you smile."

I look at him with my mouth open. "What did I do!? I was the one taken!"

"Yes. Because you didn't want to listen to me about not being bait."

I look away upset. "Mr know it all." I mumble.

"I heard that!"

Crowley chuckled a bit at me. Which made me laugh.

"Stop. Your both in trouble."

"Dean." Sam says giving up with a sigh as he places his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"What." Glaring at him. They looked at each other doing that communicating through a look. Dean finally sighs looking back at the road giving up. "Fine. Just...if you two are going to be a thing. Just stay away from Baby."

I smile innocently. No promises. Crowley looks at me giving me a smirk that means we were both thinking the same thing.

"Ew!" Dean shouts seeing it.

Time skip to motel

When we make it back to the motel. Crowley and me go to my motel room as Sam and Dean follows.

"Remember, Bobby is going to be here soon. Most likely in the morning."

"Okay Dean." Then me and Crowley walk into the room.

Once the door is shut,  Crowley immediately smashed his lips to mine. Kissing me with so much passion and emotion. Pushing me against the door. I wrap my arms around his neck. Kissing back. I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist. Crowley holds my thighs tightly.

The minute I feel his bottom tongue touch my lip. I immediately invite him in. Letting  tongues fight for dominance. But in the end he wins. Taking the advantage to explore my mouth.

Making me moan in pleasure. I can taste the craig he has been drinking. I love every bit of it. It was straight Crowley. He grips my thighs harder. Loving my sound.

I bring my one hand up to his hair. Weaving my fingers and pulling on his hair. He let a out a groan. Pulling away from my lips. Looking into my (E/C) eyes with his lustful brown.

I give him a small smile. "I think it's time." Biting my lower lip.

"Finally!" He shouts taking me to the bed. Making me laugh. Kissing me again. Once we reach the bed he lays me on my back. Not wasting anytime, he snaps his fingers making us naked. As he stands at the foot of the bed.

"Impatient?" I tease. As i eye him up and down hungrily. His double digit member hard, ready to go. As i bite my lip again. Wanting it all.

"Love." He growls animal like. Making me wetter. "This is long over due."

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now