Chapter 10

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I was outside the club. Texting Dean and Sam. Letting them know I was here and walking in. Walking straight past as many men as possible. Then finally sitting at the bar between two men. I saw no signs of the dragons. I order a glass of wine. I needed a drink after Crowley. I needed to get myself focused on this hunt. The one that means everything to me.

He hands me my cup of wine. I smile thanking him. Turrning around to see if I can find him. At first nothing. Then I stand up with my glass walking around. Gently swaying to the music. Trying to blend in.

I hear a deep voice from behind me. "Hello my dear."

It's him...  Turning around to face him with a smile on my face. "Hello." Even though inside I was trembling.

"What is a lovely creature like yourself here for?" As he stands right in front of me with a smile.

The same cold eyes as before.... "Just enjoying the scene. It's been a while since I have been out." I smile. Memories of before glared through my mind and I push them aside.

"Oh. Why's that?"

"I work with children." I laugh a bit. "Thankfully it's my day off tomorrow so I though i would take some time to enjoy myself." I smile.

But his smile grew colder. "Well how about we have a dance then?"

I nod. Taking his hand as i place my cup on a random table. We go onto the dance floor. We dance to music but once it turns to a slow song. I place my one hand on his shoulder as he holds my other as his other arms holds me close. I try not to gag. To cower away. I had so many emotions running through me but I stood tall. Just a fake smile on my face.

"How about we leave." He smirks. Leaning in to smell me.

I nod a bit. "I thought you'd never ask." I smile.

He hold me around my waist as we head towards an exit. It was a side one. I would be out of Sam and Dean sight. Uh oh. Just as I was going to start fighting he places his free hand over my mouth as we are in an empty room now.

"I remember you." He smirks. Sniffing my neck. "Still young and innocent like before." Licking my neck making me move away. But he slowly heats up the hand over my mouth as a warning. Then glaring into my eyes. "If you speak I will kill you. I didn't finish what I started when you were younger." He smirks. I just nod. I needed to go so I could see if the other woman were alive. "Good." Then he uncovers my mouth as he pulls me with him. Taking me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You think I'm stupid. I know your a hunter. How could you be a fool to trust me twice. This time I'm taking you far away from everyone. No one will bother us. You were the best I ever taste." Licking his lips as pushed me to his car. He opened the drivers door then pushed me into it. I crawled over to the passenger side. Then he sat in the drivers side.

"Put your head down." He demanded me. Pushing my head to his lap. His nails digging into my neck, making me wince as we drove he acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. When I tired to peak up I saw Sam and Crowley in the distance. Crowley was choking him. Rage clearly controlling him. The dragon forced my head further down. Making me bleed more as he continues to drive.

He was angry the minute you walked out that door. Crowley should of told you how he felt for you. He loved you as well. But he did not think you did actually care for him. Crowley was in denial. But then again he was trying to keep safe. He knew the demons would be angry with him. Making a human queen of hell. You deserved that title. More of his men feared you then him sometimes.

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