Chapter 14

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"Okay Crowley. You gonna tell me or stare at me?" I smirk at him.

He smirks back. "No darling, but...i wanted to do this else where but now is perfect."

I look around the truck and dingy road that we are driving on. "Yup perfect." I smile.

"Will you come live with me in hell?"

"What?" I say shocked and amazed looking at him before I look back at the road.

"Yes. Live with me."

"In hell?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Because it hell!" I yell at him, facing him for a moment. Then looking back at the road.

"Exactly love. With you becoming my queen, you will need to be protected. Kept safe."

"Okay. I can understand that. Isn't it too soon though. I mean we just did get officially together."

"I said it before and I will mention it again. I will not waste anymore time. I am committing my life for you."

"Shouldn't it be my life for you? I won't live forever Crowley. What will happen once I grow old? Will you still love me?"

"That will never happen."

"Why not?" I ask confused and intrigued.

"I know how I can make you immortal." Shrugging as if it was nothing.

I slam on the brakes and face him. The tires screech and we both go forward from the sudden impact of me braking. The seat belt holds me back though. Making Crowley hold onto the handle of the door and the other put in front of him. "What the hell do you mean?"

He glares at me. "You could of killed yourself!" Shouting at me.

"It's an empty god damn road!" I shout facing him. "How the fuck do you know how to make people immortal!?!"

"I'm the king of hell! I can destroy earth if I wanted you!"

"Guess what! You tried and failed!" I yell at him. This isn't something to play around with.

"You say potatoes and I say patatoe! It doesn't matter." His anger slowly dissolving. "We can be together. You won't have to turn into a demon."

"Which is better how?"

"Your souls has to be tortured for decades to be a demon. I will not allow that on your soul. It's too precious. I'm protecting it too much as is." Mouthing a fuck as he looks away.

"What do you mean? How are you protecting my soul Crowley?"

He shrugs innocently. Using a deep sexy voice filled with lust. "I have no idea what you talking about." Sliding his hand onto my lap to distract me.

Well it ain't gonna work. "Tell me Crowley. What the hell did you do to me?" Holding his hand with mine, making sure it doesn't move another inch.

"Nothing love." Still attempting as he leans forward trying to kiss me.

I turn my head making him kiss my cheek. "Sex isn't going to distract me." I say full of confidence even if that voice was making me wet.

"I can smell how wet you are love." Nipping my earlobe as I bit my bottom lip. His voice full of lust. "Nothing else to say love?"

"Crowley." I say a little weaker. "How did you protect my soul."

"It doesn't matter love." Kissing my neck softly. His beard stuffing my neck as well. Making me gasp quietly. I feel Crowley smirk as he kisses my neck softly.

Crowley's BabyDoll {CrowleyxReader}Where stories live. Discover now