Chapter 11

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Sammy and Dean searched the sewer. They found the three missing girls. They were unconcious. Severely burnt with scars all over them. They took them to the hospital. But there was no sigh of Y/N. They weren't happy. But they could only imagine how Crowley would feel.

They went back to the sewer searching for any signs, clues. "I think we should check the club." Sam says. After searching the sewer for the second time.

"Maybe. Let's head over there." Dean mumbles as they leave the sewer. They enter the club.

Dean automatically looks at all the women. "Let's see if there's any other exits." Sam yells over the music.

"Sounds great." Dean smirks looking at the girls.

"Dude!" Sam yells hitting his arm. Making Dean look at him. "Focus." He says annoyed.

Dean shrugs innocently. "Come on Sammy. Look at them." Gesturing to the girls dancing.

"Yeah. Great. While your looking at them BabyDoll is missing. Did you even think about how Bobby will react." Shaking his head. Then walking away from his older brother.

Dean sighs knowing he's right. Then looks around. After a bit, he sees a side entrance. Double checking to make sure the coast is clear he walks into the empty room. Seeing an emergency exit. Right on the door handle. Were the burn marks. He knew this is the way he took you. Going out the door. He looked around for you. For any sign. He saw a empty spot that had a old oil leak. It could of been the car that took you. It was the only chance he had. So he texted Sam. Telling him this was the only lead he could find.

Sam came out looking at the door the car once was at. "We have to call Bobby."

Dean sighs. "I'll do it. This leak trail will only tell us the direction." He sighs annoyed. Sam nods agreeing then Dean calls Bobby first.

"Took ya long enough to call me." Bobby says annoyed and mad. Dean already knew this was going to be bad.

"Yeah well...we got a situation."

"What situation? Didn't you kill them damn dragons."

"Not exactly."

"What the hell do you mean."

"He recognized her. So he kidnapped her."

"BALLS!" He yells. "Did you see where they took her? Did you follow them?"

"No..we didn't see. Crowley was the one who realised it."

"Crowley? You let my BabyDoll go in that club unguarded!" He shouted.

"She was fine."

"Obviously not! Shes taken! I'll be there soon. Once we find her I'm killin you." Then he hung up.

Dean then called Crowley. Knowing that he should know.

"Did you find her?" Picking up on the first ring.

"No. They took her somewhere else. She was taken in his car. We don't where were-"

Only to be cut off with Crowley speaking behind him. "Where was the car." Making Dean jump a bit.

Dean put his phone in his pocket. As he was about to speak he heard the snarl. "What the hell did you bring?" Dean says shocked and scared a bit. On guard, since he didn't see anything but then it clicked. Hellhound.

"My hound. I'm going to have her sniff her out."

"Does it even know what Y/N smells like." He says relaxing a bit that it was there to help.

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