Chapter 1

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A girl in mid twenties was seen sitting in front of mirror sitting sadly, afraid of what problem will knock at her. She wiped the tears which escaped from her corner of her eyes. She chuckle seeing her tear stricken face. And lost hope on escaping from her home. She shrug  her thoughts and went for a cold shower which she feels like it is removing her stress. She came from shower and wrapped herself with a pink saree. She went to the pooja room which is the only hope she has.

Hey bhagwan.... Please help me to escape from this hell.... Please... I can't able to live like this.... Please help me...." cried Avni

" I didn't asked any thing... Just a chance to escape from here. Please.. "she did pooja while she heard a sound which made her shock

"heyyy Avniii... Where are you..... Don't you listen me... Heyy" came Vidyut in a drunken state.

She got scared hearing his words. She quickly ran outside as he called her.

"Areey waah... Where are you going re.." he asked

"Vo... Vo..."

Hr slapped her for making him irritate while they hear a knock at the door. Vidyut hide inside as he well known the debtor will be arrived to collect his amount. Avni wiped her tears and opened the door.

" Bhaiya please.... Give me sometime.. I will surely payback your amount.... Please...." she requested him while he eyed her in immoral way smirking making her feel disgust

She covers her saree in front hiding her exposed skin which he was looking like a hungry lion.

" if... If you can't able to give the be ready to become mine.. "he said and left

While she closed the door and went in

Avni's pov

Asusal the bad day started of mine receiving his slap as its normal for me too. But how I gonna repay him back.. I have no idea... But i cant sell this house for money... I can't trust vidyut in this... He will surely use this money to any woman for his fun... But he is not letting me go out... No matter what I should do something and I wanna go for a good job. Though he beats me it's okay... But i wanna go..

Pov ends

When she came down she saw Vidyut with another girl. He was kissing her. She closed her eyes in disgust while he took that girl to his room.

She was in home while somebody opened the door. Before she could react her face was welcomed by chloroform and her vision blurted out.

After sometime she gain consciousness. She opened her eyes and saw the surrounding. She realized that she was tied in a pole and her mouth was shut by plaster. Tears were flowing from her cheeks.

She hears some footsteps approaching her. She looked at the direction while a man entered and smirked at her.

"Welcome to the hell Ms. Avni Mehta..." he said making her shock

He came from the dark to bright sunlight which she saw a face but she was no idea who he is.

"please leave me.... Please..."

"tsk.. Tsk... Not so easy darling...."

"Who are you....If you are debtor.. I will soon repay your amount... But give me sometime..."

"Well!... You are little bit right... I am debtor... But i am not... Its Confusing right? .. Leave it... It can't be settled.... It will be replaced.." he said and sat in front of her

"Re...replaced ?" she asked inconfusion

"yeahhh... It will be replaced by you..." he said making her shock

"No... Please...." she cried

"Come one darling... I am not this type of senti and all... Just hate tv series of crying girls you know..." he said sarcastically

While another man stepped in

"What is this?"

"Meet in my home... I will tell you everything..."

"Listen to me. "

"I SAID GO.." he shouted making Avni jerk

"so darling... Shall we move to the hell?" he asked untying the rope

While she was about to go but he catched her pallu.

"Ohh... Nope... You shouldnt be doing this.. Other wise you will see the rough side of me.." he said pulling her back with her pallu

He held her by her waist and moved.

He reached his home while he forcefully pulled her in and throw her in the bed and locked the door from outside. He then moved towards the person who is waiting for him

" Neil..."

"Dd... Why the hell you came there.."

"who is she?.. And what you gonna do?"

"Avni Mehta.... Naam tho suna hoga na DD 'Mehta.'.." he said while rolling the paper weight in his hands

He ask him to leave and went straight towards her room. He saw her sitting near the bed crying hugging her knees. He pulled her by her arms making her hiss in pain. He saw her hands which was bruised like someone had beaten her. He then look at her

"I need breakfast... Untill I will have my hot shower darling..." he said and smirked and left to washroom

After sometime he came there and saw her still sitting on bed crying while he checked the dining table and realised that she haven't do anything. He came to the room angrily and pulled her by her arms and tightens the grip on her bruis mark making her scream in pain

"Darling...dont make me angry na... You won't able to control me then... YOU HAVE TO BE PUNISHED FOR THIS..." he said and tightens the grip more on her

"Ahhh.... Sorry.. Sorry.....i... I.... Will.... Prepare.... Breakfast.... Now...." she said hissing in pain

"you are new to here first chance for you...go... Go and prepare.." he said and she started moving while Neil looked at her and smirk


Here is the first chapter💖

And here is the cover

Hope you guys enjoyed💖

Do drop your reviews and let me know

Much love


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