Chapter 28

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Neil sense everybody was oogling at them. So he make her stand and took her out from the crowd while she was dancing due to the effect as it was very first time of her. With the lots of difficulties he reached his car and made her to sit. And he came closer to her to put her seat belt and he can sense her heavy breathing. He was putting her seat belt while she lyed on him on his chest.

"Jaana.... Avii..." he said tapping her cheeks.

"Huh... Mr. Tubelight..." she said while he chuckle

"Avni jaan... We will go home soon and you take rest there.." he said while he lift her head from his chest and looked at him

"Tum Mujhe broooooooooommmm main laeke jaarahi ho.." she asked like she is driving bike making bike sound. While he was aweee on her

"Haa..Haa.. Hum Broom main jayenge... He said laughing while she shouted

" Yaaaaay"

He then came to driver seat and started driving. She was continously blabbering while he was patiently listening her. After then they reached home while Neil took her in. His one hand was around his waist and her one hand was around his neck. He took her to their room while she slipped and fall on the bed by pulling Neil above her while she was holding him by his shirt collar tightly in fear while falling. Their face was at 0.01 distance and they were in intense eye lock looking at each others eyes.

"Neil... Can I say something? " her voice broke his trace while he looked at her and nodded

"When you are very close to me.... Very Very close to me.... I can hear my heart beat which was beating fastly... Very Like.... " she said and thinks of something while Neil chuckle seeing his effect on her

"Haa... Like Hussain bolt running on a race..." she said while Neil rolled his eyes hearing her example.

"Achaa... That much fast..." he asked coming soo close to her that now his face was beside her face

"Now?" he whisper in her earlobe

"Neil Mujhe ghudghudi horrahi hai..." she said while Neil saw her with eyes widened

"Kya!..." he asked her in disbelief

"Haa.. Meri tummy main ajeebsa feeling..." she said as she don't know how to express the feeling of colourful butterflies flying in her tummy which will bloom her future life.


"I won't talk to you bruhhhhh" she said and pushed him while Neil fell beside her. While she stood up

"Katti.. Katti..... Me angry on you... "she said pouting

" Avni.. " he went near her while Avni made a one hand distance

" You called me tubelight... " she pouted while he sighed and went near her and cupped her face

" Achaa baba I am sorry!!!!!! " he said while she smiled

" Good boy... I am aaaaaaaaa lady doooooon... Keep it in your mind.... I knooooowwwwwww eveeythinguuuuuu" her language was so cute for him to handle as he was suppressing his laughter and hearing her to talks

"As you say your highness..." he said while she nodded

"Neil!!!!!!.... Now explain me what you meant yesterday"

"jaana... Now only you said you know everything 😝😝"

"Shhhh.... Just answer my question....." she said keeping her hand around his neck for balance.

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