Chapter 33

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Having no other option. He started his car and was driving while Avni was looking out. She was confused looking the way as this was not the way to cemetery but she still keep quiet.

Without an half and hour they reached a place. Neil put on the break while Avni look at the surrounding. (Imagine the place where juhi will die... That helipad waali place..)

He got down while she too come out of the car.

"Neil... Where we are?" she asked while he walks a little far without answering as he has no reply for her.

"Neil...." she said and followed him. He stop at the place

Before she could say she saw him looking straight while she looked at the direction and was shocked. She saw Vidyut standing there with a smirk. She looked at Neil and him.

"Welcome welcome... Waah Neil... You did same as I told... Good job..." he said while he clench his fist but he can't able to do anything. Avni saw him with shock.

"Avni... Mrs. Avni Neil khanna... No.. No..Ms. Avni Mehta..." he said while Avni was still looking at Neil who don't even look at her. Tears passing down her cheeks.

"Now understand Avni... Neil never loved you... See.. Today he surrender you to me..." he started to pour untruthful word. While Neil was beyond shock hearing this

"Nahi.... You are lying..." Avni shot back is the time Neil looked at her

"My Neil can't do this..." she added further with full determination

"Haha... You are such a fool... He came to surrender you only... Ask him if I am wrong..." he said as he know his weakness

She wiped her tears and went towards him

"Neil... Neil... Prove me.. He is wrong... You can't never do this to me... I trust you Neil...." she said while he looked at her in tearful eyes

"Avni..." he was about to say something while Vidyut blackmailed him through his eyes which made his mouth shut.

"Bolo Neil...." she asked while he remainces quiet looking at the ground.

"See Avni... I told you na..." Vidyut said while she glares at him

"Stop it..." she yells and again turn towards Neil

"Neil... You don't need to explain anything Neil... I trust you... Come.. Let's go and do our wedding..." she said pulling him while he was not moving 

"Neil.. Please say something...." she said in a way of pleasing him to open his mouth desperate to hear words from him.

His numbness piercing her heart. She slowly sat down crying holding his hand. While he can't able see her like this. He kneel down and cupped her face

"Avni..."  he called while she look at him

"Avni... He is right...You have to go with him..." that's it for her. Her grip on him loosens and she looked at him in disbelief

"Nahi Neil... Something is bothering you Neil... Thats why you are telling like this.... What happen Neil tell me..." she asked cupping his face while he looked at her

"Avni..." before he could say he got a message from Vidyut

"Don't tell anything to Avni....Otherwise she will won't come with me and then I won't send your mother to you... " he read the message and look at him who is already smirking at him

"Avni... I am saying na... You should go with him..."

"No... I won't.... I won't go... You got it..." she said and looked at him angrily

"Chali jao Avni.... Chali jao..." he yells as he have no other way to do anything while Avni jerked hearing his voice.

"Now come with me.." he said pulling her while she was numb. She can't able to react but moving as he is pulling her can't able to digest his words.

"I am sorry Avni... I am really sorry.... I will surely come Avni... Will surely come to save you...." he thought looking at her with tearful eyes

Avni's pov

I can't able to believe... Can't able to believe ki... My Neil told me... To go with vidyut.... No... This can't happen.... What happen to him.... Why he is doing like this to me... He only protected me from vidyut but now he indeed told me to go with him... He too don't want me in his life.... Where is his love gone?... Can't he sees my love?.... Today... Today is the day where he gonna become mine.. Where I gonna for him... Forever... But... Everything took a turn.... Then why i should live?... For whom I should live? " she thought standing infrony of the car door while Vidyut was on the call far away from her.

While the two bodyguard stood beside Avni each side. Avni saw Neil who was moving from there. She can't able to control her tears. She remainces her memory with him. She saw the gun in bodyguard's pocket.

Soon Dd came there as Neil informed him when he was coming to this place.

"Kya hua Neil?"

"Dd.. Avni.... Avni hates me na..." he cried hiccing up

"Neil... Avni tumhe kabhi hate nahi karsakthe hai...."

"Nahi...I saw her eyes which depicted hurtness... I hurted her... She would never expected this from me.." he punch his car in frustration

While Avni pick up the gun

"Dur chalo.... Go away... Just go away from me.." she said and moving back to the cliff

"No... Give me the gun..."

"Just go away.... I wanna shoot myself..." she said placing the gun on her head and her finger was on the trigger.

While He got a call from Vidyut.

"your mom is safe inside the car... Which is just reached the church... Go and see Mr. Neil khanna.." Vidyut voice has a Happy victory tone.

He put off the call while the phone was in speaker mode and l Dd listened that. But vidyut was not aware of Dd.

"Dd.. Tum abhi Maa ke paas chalo... Main Avni ke paas jaatha hu....".

"Haa... Main abhi sunheri ko call karke boldetha hu... She will check whether Aunty is there or not... After that you go to Avni..." he said

"Haa but you go please..." he said while he nodded and left while calling sunheri

Within a second


He was shocked to hear a gun shot. And started running towards the cliff.



Here is the next chapter 💖

Hope you guys enjoyed

Much love

Reza.. 💖

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