Chapter 2

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Within sometime Avni came with breakfast while Neil waiting for her. She kept the food on table. While he took his first spoon

"Yumm... Waah.. What a dish..... I guess you will be more tasty than this..." he said looking her from top to toe. While she looked at him in shock

He ate. But she didn't have anything. He pulled her arms and took her to the room.

"You will be staying here from today... I mean from morning you should get up at 3am and do all house hold chores and should wake me up at sharp 7. I am repeating at sharp 7am  with my black coffee. And I will be coming down after shower and I want my bf to be hot but on time okay.... And I will going from here and I will be returning back once my work done and in night you will be staying in my room.. I can do anything you... And you won't deny me... If it happens then you will be punished... "he said in a go making her speechless

While they moved further and Neil opened the other room. And it was Soooooo dark. Not even a single window for the air to pass through. She was confused seeing that while he smirk seeing her fear.

" So darling... This will be your punishment room... If I wanna.. I will lock you here..." he said while she swallowed a lump as she was very afraid of dark.

They moved upstairs

"and you already get to know... This is my room...." he said showing her

He went near a cupboard and took a saree from there

"You will be wearing this saree...And you will be wearing what I will say..." he said while she nodded

"I. CAN'T HEAR.." he shouted making her jerk

"Ha.. Ha.." she said in fear

"Go and get ready... I just wanna see you in this saree.." he said in a hungry tone

While she went to washroom and cried.

"Don't you dare to cry.... If I hear any sobs... Then ready to face me.." he yells standing outside while she closed her mouth crying and turned on the shower sobbing silently

Avni's pov

Why me all the time?... Just escape from that hell to here... Who is he?.. Why he is doing like this with me?... What he want?... I feel disgust for having this body which these beast are trying to eat.....why I can't even able to live peacefully.... I want able to live like everyone... Ek normal happy family ki tarah...

Pov ends

Within sometime she came out wearing a netted white saree. Which revealing her every inch of a body with perfect curves. Neil was stunned by seeing her. He can't take his eyes off from her. Avni feels his constant gaze and lowered her gaze in disgust

"Waah.... Kya kamal ki cheez hai tu...."he said and traced his hand on her arms making her shiver

He smells her feminine scent which add more beauty on her. He turned her while she was looking at the ground

" Look at me.. "he ordered her while she her gaze fall on his beautiful Hazel orbs. She saw him with much question but she was afraid to ask.

" Tell me... What do you wanna ask.. "he ordered sitting on couch while she stood numb

" I said ask me... If you wanna ask any question... You won't get chance like this darling... "he said and tapped his lap

" Vo.. Who... Who.. Are you? "

" Hmm... Neil khanna... The owner of khanna Industries... "he said while she saw him

" Why... Why... You... Kid.. Kidnapped.. Me.. "she asked in fear while he smirk at her

" Good darling.. "he said and moved towards her. He hugged her from back making her shock she tried to move but his grip on her tightens

" DON'T MOVE "He shouted making her freeze on the position

He came to her earlobe slightly biting it

" Revenge...... Word tho suna hi hoga.. "he whispered in her ears making her look at him

" Kyu? "here comes her next question

" Offo... Now I  don't have mood to answer your all questions... So better let we talk later... "he winked at her

" So you can get into your work from now.. "he said while she went slowly

Neil move from there as the whole home was filled with Bodyguards. While Avni was doing all the works alone

At night Neil returned home

He founds the hall to be in perfect clean and the curtain was changed into black-white combination, and the couch was arranged neatly with tea table in front with glass vase with fresh rose. Neil smirked seeing all this. He moved to her room and found her to be sleeping and her tired day was clearly visible on her face. Neil took a pitcher full of water and splashed on her face making her jerk from sleep

" Good job darling.. " he said with a smile while she saw him with tearful eyes which he was least affected.

"black coffee on my room within 5 mins.." he said and left

While she was walking slowly due to the tired. She prepared his black coffee and went to his room

She kept on the table and started moving

"Did I said you to move darling.." he asked sipping his coffee while she tunred and bowed her head

"Don't you know... If you commit a mistake you should ask sorry.." he asked her raising his brows while she look at him in horror

"I... I.. Am... Sor... Sorry." she said while he smiled

"Darling... Come here..." he said while she went near him in scared expression

"Comeon na..." he pulled her which she landed on his lap

He pinned her hairs behind her ears and cupped her face. While she looked at him with tearful eyes. While her dizziness start over tooking her and she fell  unconscious

"darling?... Avni??... ." he patterned her cheeks while he took her in bridal style and made her to lye down on the bed and sprinkled water on her face

"What the hell.... Didn't you ate anything?" he yells at her making her shiver more

"ANSWER ME DAMN IT!!!"he shouted at her

" No... No... I didn't ate anything.... "she said in a go seeing him

While he called a body guard and slapped him hard making her jerk...

" I am firing you.... You got that... "he fired him for not doing his duty properly

" Sir... Give me a chance to speak... Please... "he begged him

" Tell me... "

" Sir I have told Mam to eat... But she denied me... I requested her too but she didn't.. "he said while Neil looked at Avni.

" Is he telling the truth? "he asked in high pitch tone while she got scared that he spilled the truth. Seeing her quietness Neil slapped the body guard again

" Haa... Ha.... " she Said crying

" Get lost... "Neil yells at the body guard while he left

" Comeon darling... Don't make me angry.... You know right... If you disobey me you have to face the consequences... "he said smirking at her while freshly salty tears were passing down her cheeks


Here is the next chapter💖

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Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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