Chapter 35

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The Night passes

Dd and sunheri were highly tensed as Neil was nowhere to be seen.

"Dd... Why you can't do anything against Vidyut?... You only said na... Recently he was stuck with 3 to 4 cases..."

"Haa sunheri but he closed everything with his influence... There is no proof against him... But whats getting into my nerves is all is woman harrasing case..." he said

"But I am hell afraid now... Where is Neil...God!!..." he said and tried his phone but he was not picking the calls.

Avni came down. While Dd gaze fall on the suitcase.

"Bhabhi.." he called and went near her

"Avni what is this?" sunheri asked

"Bhabhi... Where are you going?.." he asked her who is looking at them. She was not speaking but still remains silent to their questions

Neil reached home that time

"Neil bhaiya..." sunheri went near him

"Neil bhaiya.. See Avni is going somewhere... She is not answering to us.. Please do something..." she said while Neil looked at the suitcase and Avni. They share an eyelock

Neil's pov

Avni... Please don't go... Please please... I know.. I know that I am one of the person who betrayed you like others... But really I have no other option Avni..... I know that you can't able to trust me again... But Avni... Please math jao... I wanna you to be infront of my eyes always....I love you Avi jaan...

Pov ends

Avni's pov

Neil... You are one who made me realize what is love... What is happiness... What is smile and everything.... You fixed a broken toy..... But again you throwed me like others did....the one thing I never understood is... If you want me to go with that vidyut then why you saved me.... Good Byee Neil....I love you Neil... I will always do

Pov ends

Their eyes spoked but their lips didn't. Without answering to anyone, Avni took her suitcase and started moving while his gaze was only on her.

"Neil... Are you mad... Stop her..." dd said

Suddenly Dd, sunheri and Avni phone popped up with a message at the same time.

Dd was confused and asked them to check the message.

"I got some link..." dd said

"Mee too.." sunheri and Avni said in unison while Dd was confused

Then a Forward message too arrived

Here is a new game we are launching on play store called "Killing Criminals" . So here is sample for that. Share and support us.

Dd opened the link

"Vid... Vidyut" he said as the Animated criminal in that game was same like that of vidyut. Dd looked at Neil who is already looking at him

"Neil.. You are back of this all?" he asked

"Haa.... I did this.... This time That Vidyut will not escape...He will die each second... Each second.... " He said with full of Anger and the flashes of Niya and Avni came Infront of his eyes

"What?... "

"As many people opened the link and play the game, he will suffer more.. you know MORE...." His eyes started to get red on anger while Avni looked at him

"I can't understand Neil..." dd said

"Hydroflurosilic Acid with Potassium Lye...I set the gas in that glass box as you can see in that game too.... Though the help of hacker i sent all the link to whole city ... If the public opened the game and start to play the gas will release slowly as the hacker deals with the thing... And his body will start to melt due to the gas... "he said while Everyone was shocked

While Avni remainces about the paper on Neil's cupboard which she saw Information about Hydroflurosilic acid.

" Neil... "he was interrupted by Neil

" Bass Dd... If you are trying to say I am doing wrong... Then it's perfectly alright for me... But your law can't do anything seriously... If you wanna arrest me then it's fine... But you can't able to get proof against me or the hackers... Cause they are international hackers.... This time that Vidyut should die... "he said in anger

He then looked at Avni who is already looking down. She is the one who first opened the link and start to play the game. Neil was happy seeing her and then sunheri started to play.

(Imagine you got the link too. Comment '+1' here to kill Vidyut . Let me see how many of you wanna kill him)

Neil took his phone and see the numbers which was increasing gradually indicating that the public too started to play the game. After playing Avni again grab her suitcase. And her confusion get Intense.

"If he want me to go with that vidyut.... Then why he is doing like this?" she thought and took her steps.

" Nobody needs to go anywhere.... "she stopped hearing that

" I am going from here... "she turned and look at him who is having tears in his eyes.

Neil slowly walked out from there while Dd ran behind him.


"Dd... Please take care of Avni..." he said

"Neil... Really you are sick out... Bhabhi don't know why you said her like that... Go and tell her... Bhabhi will surely understand Neil.."

"No Dd... She will really feel guilty.... I know her...."

"so yiu are leaving her.... portraiting you are wrong..." he said while he looks away.

"Do you really think.. You both can live without each other?" he asked and he looks at him

"I dont know... But she was hurt ..." he was repeating the same not understanding what Dd is telling him.

While Avni was looks numb and his words rang in her ears

Yeh andhara beach main yeh pearls ki tarah roshini... Jaise meri life main tum...

I Love you Avni.... I really love Avni.... We will make our life beautiful..

Avni... He is right...You have to go with him...

Chali jao Avni.... Chali jao..

She sat on the couch with a thud and tears passing down her cheeks



After a loooooooooooooonnnngggg time.

Solly can't able to post yesterday as I promised

'The End' to Vidyut's game. Hope I did justice to Niya and Avni.

Do drop your reviews

Much love

Reza.. ❤

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