Chapter 10

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"Neil..."dd blocked his way

" What are you doing....she is already weak enough"dd asked him

"You are right Dd... You are finely right.... Thats why I gonna drop Avni to her home.." Neil said and the Avni was shocked hearing this.

Neil left her hands while she slowly moved away from him to Dd. Neil saw the fear in her eyes for him. But now her fear not making him happy but making him somewhat different may be the his mind started stimulating.

"Dd... I... I... Wa.."here comes her slow voice or I can say she whisper to Dd which his inaudible to Neil.

" Chaliye Avni ji. "dd said and take her with him while Neil moved with them puzzled

Dd was driving the car and within sometime they reached there.  Neil understood where they were upto and got down with them. Avni was moving in a way to her mom while Neil and Dd to her sister.

Avni didn't cried but looking at her mom's cemetery continously may be she determined with her judgement which her mind cook when she started from hospital. What has destiny stored for her?. She lost hope in everything except this plan of her. May be she will live happy with her mother in upper world atleast then living  in the cruel world. She looked the surrounding and a found them to be little far away from her.

" I am sorry to say this.... If niya would have been alive she will be ashamed of you Neil.." the word of Dd continously running in him as he can't get out from this. Indeed he said truth, but he can't overcome from that.

She then started moving out. Neil and Dd came to see Avni and found her to be missing.

"Avni Jii..." dd called her but response came in vain

"Avni..... Avni....." Neil called her

"where she is?" with a great question mark of a missing person their way showed out from graveyard to the road. They were searching her.

But Neil got glimpse of her. And started running towards seeing her walking on road. His motion increases seeing her now walking on the middle of the road after already seeing the truck approaching her. Before anything could Neil pulled her and they both fall in the road. While Neil protectively held her in his arms. She closed her eyes due to fear and opened it and saw him and they completely lost into each other eyes. After felt ages he help her to get up

"WHAT THE HELL YOU GONNA DO" he shouts while Dd reached by there

"Avni ji... Kya hai yeh sab.." dd asked her while the only thing she can do is to look at the ground.

"Neil... Lets go home first...." dd said and they moved to Khanna mansion

The three peep into his room while Avni sitting in the bed and Dd was nursing Neil due to the scratch he had when they fall.

"I SAID NA KI... I WILL LEAVE YOU.. I WILL DROP YOU IN YOUR HOME..." he shouted making her tremble

"Relax. Neil..."

"Avni ji... Do you know what you were gonna do today." dd asked her calmly while Avni looked at Dd in tearful eyes.

"Dd.... I... I... Don't wann... Go.... Go.... Home...." she said crying like a small kid.

Her statement caught Neil's attention and he looked at her. Dd gave her water and asked her calm down first

"Why?" dd asked her while she looked at him and then Neil who is already waiting for her reply

She don't know what to say. A girl sharing a problem to a girl is rare nowadays. And its quiet difficult for her to share with them. She was uncomfortable in sharing how Vidyut treats her. She was hesitating to say, she was looking at them and ground, them and the ground. She nodded in negative way in lack of words to speak.

Neil and Dd can sense her helpless state. But dd's words somewhat gave her relief

"Avni ji... Think me as your brother.... I am asking because I many time noticed the pain in your eyes.... If your uncomfortable then it's okay....." he said and pressed her hand in assurance and in a friendly gesture

"if... I... Go.... Home..... Then..... Then..... Vidyut will.... Beat me...." her broken voice of her and her words shocked the two mens.

Neil was utterly shocked. He's can't able to accept what she told. He felt a sharp pain in his heart. But he don't know this is nothing compared of the tortures vidyut did to Avni

" Kya! "this is the only word dd could spoke while she looked at him and nodded

"  the wound on your upper shoulder is because of him? " he asked her in fiery eyes while she looked at him in wonder that how he came to know that. Credits goes to the drunken state Neil

" Avni I am asking you "he asked calmly

" Haa.. Ha.. "she said

" I will file a case against vidyut... " dd said in anger and stood up

" No... Dd... Please... "she said making him stop

" Avni ji... Par.. "he stopped seeing her

"why he beat you?" Neil asked her as he was in urge to know how a brother can do this to her own sister. He still wonder. While Avni thinks about worst days of her.


Here so the next chapter💖

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Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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