Chapter 36

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"Main jaarahu Dd.." he said and started moving

He stop with a thud realising a pair of hands wrapped around his tummy. And her loudable sobbing were enough to make him panick.

"Avni... Kya hua..." he turned and cupped her cheeks while she was still sobbing


"I hate you... I hate you Neil..." she cried making him worried

"Why you didn't tell me.... Why?..." she asked him while he looked at sunheri who told everything to her

"Avni... I have no other go..." he said helpless

"Mummy ji?"

"She is fine.."

"Why you didn't tell me when we are travelling in car... You should have told me Neil... Am I that Untrustable person?" she asked while her eyes depicted hurtness

"No jaana..." he said

"You know what Neil... I have building my dreams of our wedding... Of our future life... But you shattered everything...." she said while he hugged her tight

"I am sorry Avni... Please... I am so sorry.... I was tensed that time.. And my only aim was to find mom.... And it blocked my mind in all sense..." he cried

"I promise Avni... I will again make your dream fulfill... Now we will live happy... Happy everafter..." he said assuring her

While Dd phone rings

"Hello... Okay I will be coming..." he spoke and look at everybody

"Neil.... Vidyut is dead.... The gas got released fully and it got blasted...." dd said while Avni look at Neil

"I knew it.. Thats why I kept him outer of Mumbai..." Neil said and wiped Avni's tears

"Now we can.. We will live Happy Avni...." he said and kissed her forehead

They went in while Neil took Avni to her room.

"Avni... You forgiven me right?" he asked

She nodded her head in negative

"No?" he asked

While she again nodded the same

"What should I do get forgiveness.." he asked while Avni looked at him and opened her arms

While Neil engulf her in his arms.

"You should not leave me... And.... And... Want to... Share everything to me......" her words were choking but she spoke what she thought to speak to him

"Haa..." he said without breaking the hug

"And.... And... Wanna love me more....".

"Haa" he chuckle at her words

"And... And...." she broke the hug and was thinking while he looked at her eyes and slowly his gaze travel to her lips and her cute pout craving for him.

Without anywarning he captured her lips which was much needed for him and for her too. She was shocked at first but then closed her eyes responding to him. Her hands travel on his dense hair while his hand gripes on her shoulder. They were moving in rhythm and they were no mood to leave each other. By sensing her going breathless, he broke the kiss seeing her crimson cheeks which was like a cherry.

"Avni.. Vo.. I...." he was stammering due to the sudden stunt pull by him but he was cut off by her when she slammed her lips against him which was very indeed shock for him.

He didn't even expect this. She was annoyed seeing him not responding her.

"Neil?" she asked broking the kiss looking at him

"Avni.. You are okay right?" he asked checking her temperature with back of his hands

While she smack his arms

"why only you have the rights to kiss me?" she asked pulling him by his collar while he widened his eyes and they were dangerously close to each other.

They were interrupted by the door knock and he corrected his shirt and his hair and went to open the door.

" Vo.. Neil.. .she didn't ate anything from yesterday... So I came here to give her breakfast..." sunheri said while he smiled and received the tray and she went

He sat in front of her and gave her the food.

"You won't feed me?" she asked while he smiled and fed her and she too fed him. And they were feeding each other with all their love


Eid-Al - Adha mubarak❤

Here is the next chapter

So any scene request?

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Much love


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