Chapter 5

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Dd reached there

"Neil.... Neil...." he called but Avni came out from her room.

"Vo... Vo... He... He is not here.." she said

"Teek hai Avni jii.." he said

"can you help me.." she asked slowly while Dd looked at her

"I am Avni ji.... I can't do anything.... I can't help you to get out from here..." he said sadly while tears were passing down her cheeks

"I want to go to grave yard... Please... I want to see my mumma...i... I swear... I will... Come back.... With.... You... Pro.. Promise.... Please.... Can... You take.... Me... There.... Please..." she asked with tint of hope while he thinks and nodded which made Avni smile

She moved with him while the bodyguards denied

" Sirji... Mam was not allowed to go.. "one of the bodyguard told dd

" I will talk with Neil.. Now you get out from my way.. "he said and. slightly moved while Avni walk slowly Infront and Dd at back.

He opened the car door for her while she sat and he started the car.

Neil after crying for much time, stood wiping his tears and started to move from there while they reached there.

Avni walk upto her mother's cemetery and cried.

"Maa... Maa..." she cried holding her locket which it has Neela ma and Aashish pic

While Dd moved from there Niya's cemetery. He closed his eyes while a tear fell from his eyes

"Dd bhaiya..." Niya's voice rang in his ears.

He then moved towards Avni. While Neil reached there and found the home to be empty. He called the bodyguards in high pitch tone while they stood infromt of him in next second.

"WHERE IS AVNI?" he shouted

"Vo Dd sir.... Took her with him..." one of the bodyguard with him while he slapped him..

"her?....isnt she your maid?" he asked him

"Sorry sirji... Dd sir took mam with him..." he said bowing his head

While Neil sat on his couch with blood shot eyes. While they started from grave yard.

"Vo..." Avni was fumbling with words

"You can call me Dd..."

"Haa... Mujhe dar lagraha hai..." she said

"Don't be scared Avni ji.... Neil won't do anything cause I only took you na.. And I promise..." he said assuring her while she lost in her thoughts

Soon they reached there. Dd first entered followed by Avni. Neil sitting on couch smirking at them while Avni saw him and look at the ground in fear.

" Wow Avni... Just wow... "he clapped his hands and moved towards Dd

While Avni came on between him and Dd

" Nahi... Dd... He didn't take me... I only asked him... Don't do anything.... "she said slowly

" WHOM YOU ARE TO ORDER ME... "he yells while she jerk

" Move aside... "he said while she slowly moved

" if its not you... I don't know what I would done to that person who took her out... "he said calmly while Dd looks at him

" Go to your room Avni.... RIGHT NOW... "he said while she went

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