Chapter 3

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He pulled her by wrist. And took her out

"I am sorry....please....sorry..."she cried

" Aww darling... You got me wrong... Sorry for only small mistakes you know... But i am not in mood to forgive you... So be ready.... Vo kya haina... That punishment room has been closed for many now its time for to open... " he said and he opened the door.

" Nahi... Please.....i won't do like this again.... Please... "

" Tsk.... Nahi chalega darling... "he said caressing her hairs and pushed her inside and lock the door.

She shouted and screamed to open the door but her effort goes in vain as it is sound proof. He went for his study room to check the camera he has placed. He saw her crying and smiled.

One hour later she literally fell unconscious. But it doesn't affects him. Her tears were treat for him to see. Her fear is giving him peace. He was enjoying. He was warming himself in the fire of revenge. But Why?.. What she did to him?.. Why he is doing that?. This remain untold mystery.

In morning

"Tik tok... Tik tok..tik tok.." he gave the sound of a clock seeing the watch

He then went to that room and took her to his room. He sprinkled water on her face but it doesn't work on her. He called the doctor and arranged for her treatment.

"She fall unconscious due to lack of breath.." the doctor said and prescribed her medicine

"Thank you doctor..." He said smiling

"Take care of her.."the doctor said while he nodded

In mehta home

When vidyut opened his eyes and saw the girl wrapping her saree

Itni.. kya jaldi.." he asked her

"Areey.. I am getting late... I should reach my home before anyone could get to know.." she said and kissed forehead before leaving

While he woke up stretching his arms with great yawning.

"Avni...avni..."he called her but no response came

" Hey Avni.... Where are you? "he shouted

" if you aren't here in 10 mins... Then see you will be welcomed by me... "he shouted

He was searching her in whole house but she was nowhere to be seen.

" Did she left home.. How dare she... Let me see.. "he said and went to his room

In khanna Mansion

Within sometime she get consciousness and woke up and saw him sitting beside her

" Darling.... How you enjoyed? He asked while she didn't utter a word

"will you repeat this mistake?" he asked her while she nodded in negative way quickly

"Good" he said tapping her cheeks. While she still shivers in fear.

"Achaa now go and freshen up.." he gave her a saree while she ran away from there

Neil was sitting on the couch in living area doing some work while one bodyguard stood in front of him. She kept the black coffee on the table while Neil saw Avni. The bodyguard looked at Avni in immoral way Neil noticed this and gritted his teeth

"Darling..." he called her while she look at him

"Go to my room and open my closet. Inside my drawer you will find one thing... Bring that to me na.." he said while she left

She too came to his room and opened his closet and opened the drawer and was shocked. She saw a gun there. Her hands started to tremble to pick the gun. But she did as she was ordered and went to living area . He saw her coming

" Come darling..." he called her

"Hold it properly na..." he said making her hold the gun

He hold the gun along with her. And stretched her hand making target as the body guard. Making the body guard shock

"Darling... Have you ever shot someone..." he asked her

""she said panicking

" Ohoo... Don't worry na.. I will give you training.... "he said and his hand reached above her hands on the trigger

"darling.. Let's shoot him.."he said keeping the chin on her shoulder holding her by tummy.

" No... Please..... "

" Areey... You should... "he said

" No... Please.... I can't.... "she pleaded

" When I am here why fear.... "he said making the grip tight on the trigger

" No... No..... "

" Sir what I did... Please leave me sir... "

" areey areey don't move out from my target stay there... "he said calmly

" Vaise you did nothing... Just eyed on her..... "he said while she look at Neil

" Yeah darling believe me... He looked at you... How dare he to eye on you... Ha... Thats why I am telling you to shoot him... We should shoot ah.... "he said and started shooting at him 3 times while she shouted in fear closing the eyes.

" Ahhhhh.... "

" Neil......"dd shouted

While she opened the eyes and saw the pool of blood. She sat with a thud while her hands started to shiver.

" Wow darling very good..."

"Neil...are you mad...kya karrahi ho tum... Do you realise that... " dd asked him while he ignored him and wash his hands. Avni saw both of them

"Neil... I am asking you man.."

"You Know what I am doing..... I don't want to explain... And I will do like this..." he yells and pushed Dd slightly who is blocking his way.

He ordered bodyguard to dispose the body and to clean.

Dd went near Avni

"Aap... Rona band kijiye...." he said softly while she look at him and her eyes seeking help from him. While he understand that but he is helpless. He left her leaving her shattered

He left for washroom and poured the chilled water on face. Her fearful face strike on him like flashes. He came out after shower.
And went towards living area

"Darling.... Darling..." he called her name descending the steps

He went to her room saw her sitting beside the bed hugging her knees burying her face.

"Avni..." he called her and kept his hand on her shoulder

"Please... Leave me... Please.... Don't come near me... Aap bohat bure ho... Please... Leave me... Main chalijaaungi...I won't say anything to anyone... " she cried

"ENOUGH!!!!....."he shouted" bass... Now stop crying... "he wiped her tears

" Get up... And go get freshen up... "he said and make her stand

" When you will come out... You should not cry....YOU GOT IT? "He asked her while she nodded her head in fear.


Here is the next chapter💖

What do you guys think about Neil?

Hope you guys enjoyed💖

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Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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