Chapter 18

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He then straightly went to Vidyut's home and found him relaxing himself from there. He pulled him by his collar and punch him hardly on his face taking out all the frusation.

"Relax man... Relax... Why this much anger...... Okay!... I accept my defeat... I mean... This wedding won't happen as per as your wish.... But to say your sister..." before he could complete his face was again welcomed by the punch.

Blood was oozing out from his nose. Dd correctly reached by there following him and took him before Neil could kill that vidyut.

" Dd... Leave me... I said leave damn it... "he shouted but Dd didn't paid any attention to him.

" What the hell are you doing Dd.... I just want a kill him.... "he shouted

" Neil... Listen me... Mumma, papa reached hospital... They need you the most now... Please... Come with me... "dd said while he broke with a thud crying.

All set for funeral. Shwetha was hugging Neil and was crying. And her body was placed on the cuffon box while her favourite white roses were upon her. Maanik still stood emotionless. Their memories were killing him. Soon she has been buried under the mud making her soul rest in peace. Atleast she will reach the next birth where she will see beautiful people without this type of brat. Atleast the next birth will be as beautiful as her soul.

When he reached home another shock hitted him. He received a letter from his police training department.

Your police training will be restricted for your mindless behaviour and the person like you can't be fit for the police who treat public as their slave toy.

Already he was shattered and this broke him more. Dd came and told him that Vidyut has released vidyut of Neil beating him like anything. His dream was broken. His passion was broken and everything seems to be broken.

Neil then started to work in Khanna industries to divert him and his family. It will be his great task to pacify his mother for everything and mainly for her health as she became weak digesting every fact. All was set going fine after long days of suffering. As Everybody was drowning in bad days Khanna industries started to suffer with losses. But once a day he again broke due to prakash death due to heart attack. Every time he try to rise up but something is pulling him down leaving him shattered. Maanik tried to kill vidyut that time he lose and got killed by him. And the day came where he rise up with every means by heart with full hope and he work day and night without caring and bring the status of khanna industries back. The only thing his mind has to ruin Vidyut life. He should not be die as it is as he should suffer like anything. And then only he came to know about Avni and all this things happen in mean time.

Flashback ends

Avni was literally crying hearing that. Maanik and Niya were her friends. She was literally thinking about everything. Soon she came to the room while her mind was continously cooking about the hospital scene of Niya. What the hell she would have undergone. She then thought to see Neil and peeped into his room.

How much you have undergone Neil... Because of Vidyut...." she thought ruffling his hairs sitting beside Neil on the bed.

In sleep Neil grab her hands and kept near hus chest while she tried her best to remove her hands but in vain. He was holding tightly as his life depend on it. She was continously staring at him and slept unknowingly.

In morning

Neil woke up and saw her sleeping in sitting position and saw her tear sticken face

"I am sorry Avni... Its all because of me.... I hurted you alot..." he thought while she stirred in sleep and woke up

She opened her eyes and saw him while they share an eye lock. Tears were passing down his cheeks while she wipe it.

"Neil.. Aaj ke baad tumhe kabhi nahi rone dungi..." she thought

"Avni.... Aaj ke baad tumhari anko main ek aasu bhi nahi aane dunga.." he thought

"You slept well?" she asked

"Haa.. I am sorry... I made you to sleep like this.." he said

"It's okay Neil..." she said and tried to got up from bed

"Ek baar bhi nahi puchoge... Why I did this to you...." his statement stopped her

"Indeed I want to forget everything and i want you too try to forget everything..." her statement made him confuse.

But he is unaware that she knows everything about. He went to take shower. Neil then asusual went to Khanna industries while Dd took Avni to somewhere.

" Dd.. Why we came here? "Avni asked stepping outside from the car seeing the orphanage

" I want you to meet someone...."he said while they stepped in

" Jaan dii... " Mowgli came running followed by the other kids.

She spend some time with  kids. She then moved with Dd to some other room and he knocked and open the door. Dd took blessing from her while Avni was clueless about her.

"Avni... This is Shwetha aunty... Neil's mom.." dd said while she bend to took her blessing.

"Dd beta... Where is Neil.... And who is she...she will harm my Neil haina.. "

"Nahi nahi aunty ji... She is Avni...Neil aur meri dost... "

"teek hai... Neil kaha hai... Mujhe dekne bhi nahi aaya... Boldena usko ki main bohat gussa main hu..." shwetha said

"teek hai aunty ji... Now you rest yourself..." he said and caress her hair.

While they went out

"After all the incidents she became mentally sick..."dd said while Avni looked at her shwetha

Dd told Neil to come to orphanage as shwetha want him to see. Soon he arrived. Shwetha lies on Neil's shoulder while he was caressing her back. Avni and Dd stood at doorstep seeing them.

" Maa.. See.. I am all fine... Aap kyu rorahi ho.." he asked

"I was sacred Neil... Kahi tumhe bhi kuch higaya tho.." she said touching her face while he cupped her face wiping her tears

"Mom... Mujhe kuch nahi hoga..." he said and kissed her forehead and made her to lye on bed and make her sleep


Here is the next chapter💖

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Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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