Chapter 23

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Avni gained consciousness and  opened her eyes and saw herself captivated in a room

"Kholo Mujhe.... Help..." she shouted

While she remains something


After coming from Neil's room.

"why I was feeling something different.... Did I am gonna do something wrong of leaving him?.... Agar Neil ko batao tho.. Zaroor Vo kuch karega na.." her heart chided

"Nahi nahi Avni... Already he suffered more... Main usse parishaan karna nahi chaatha.." while his mind hited

She was in dilemma of listening both of her heart and Mind


Someone hitted on her head while she turned around and saw Vidyut on Neil's home. Her eyes widened in shock while she fell down unconsciousness

Flashback ends

While she hears a foot step and then there Vidyut comes. She was looking at him

"How are you behen ji.." he asked her

While she saw some other mens coming while she looked at him confuse

"Here is your product..." Vidyut said to the clients making her shock to the core

"Iss heera ki Intezaar tha..." the clients said moving close to her

He was about to touch her while Vidyut hold his hands

"Noo... First settle me then take her away..." he said while the client smiled

While another man bought big two suitcase. He opened it and the Vidyut eyes sparkled seeing the money

"Now you can take her with you..." he said and went towards the money

While the client ordered to open the rope while they did. He was about to touch her while she slapped him.

"Don't you dare..." she said with anger filled eyes.

"Avni..." vidyut shouted

"Don't worry Vidyut... I will handle her.." the client said smirking at Avni

While in khanna mansion

Neil was still crying holding the letter

"I can't... I can't sit idle.... I wanna search her...I can't live without her..." he said wiping his tears while Dd was talking on a phone about Avni

They were moving out while a bodyguard came running

"Sirji... Sirji... Yesterday someone kidnapped Avni mam.." he said while they were shocked hearing that

"What the hell...then WHY DON'T YOU STOP HIM DAMN IT!!!!!...WHERE ARE THE OTHERS...." Neil roar at him

"Actually he had a gun and we arent in the stable state of stopping him.." he said while he slapped him hard and again hold his collar


They were searching everywhere but she is nowhere. He reached her home to see vidyut but he too found to be nowhere

While on the other hand Avni was injected a drug so she is paralysed for sometime. They made her to wear hijab dress and took her to the airport

Neil remains Avni saying that Vidyut tried to sell her and called Vidyut

"Vidyut.... I will give double the amount.... Give me my Avni back..." he said

"Tsk.... Tsk... Your Avni is gone... Shhhewwww..... Flying..." he said and laughed and put off the call

While Neil bang his hand on car

"Dd... Airpost chalo.... " he said

While they reached while Neil started to feel something. Dd asked about the ticket in the name of Avni. But they unaware that the ticket is booked on the different name with fake passport.

They were searching everywhere like a maniac. Dd amsed helped from the security guard in Airport. Neil slipped and fell on the floor while his hand bang on some tiny object.

"Ahh.." he said and took his hand and was shocked to see the ring which he gave to Avni.

"Avni..." a lone tear escaped from his eyes. By seeing him sitting on floor Dd rushed to him.

"Dd... Avni is here... My Avni is here... This is her ring..." he said seeing the ring

As Avni was paralysed she has been placed on wheel chair. Tears were flowing from her eyes seeing Neil who was in front of her eyes. She can't able to shout his name because of the effect of drug. She wanna throw herself in his arms but she can't able to do so.

"Neil... I am here... I am here only... Please see me once... Please please....." her inner soul spoke

He shift into different direction making her hopes shattered

"Sir.... The effect drug will be over soon as it has been more than hours...."

"Don't you have another one?" the client asked

"No sir..."

"Idiot!... Can't you keep extra.... Who knows the flight will get delay..."

"Sorry sir... But i have another injection... Which makes her unconscious..." his goon said while he glared at him

Vidyut called the client to give him a alert of Neil. So he went out to speak leaving the bodyguard with her. Avni was getting  conscious slowly from the drug as its least working on her now. She can't able to speak but her voice is so low. She can able to move now.

"Ne... Ne.... Neil..." she said

While the bodyguard look at her

"Oyee hello..."

"Paa.... Paani..." she acted while he left her to bring some water

Getting a good chances she left from there. When the client returned he was shocked to see both of them missing. While here Avni went to washroom and splash some water on her face to get stable. She removed her hijab dress. She slowly went outside checking of them. She was searching him while they were searching her.

Neil was looking around her and lost all the hope and Sat on his knees crying. He saw his face on the glass window which is red puffy. While Avni saw him and was about to shout while the client closed her mouth making her shut.


How was the twist?

What will happen now as I already left a hint

Do drop your reviews💖

Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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