Chapter 19

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Avni, Dd and diksha was sitting on living area sipping the tea while Neil stood in porch lost in his thoughts. Avni saw him and just made one cup of tea for him and went towards him.

"Neil..." she called while he turn around and looked at her

"I dont want Avni..." he said

"You didn't had your breakfast and lunch I Know you would have skipped...atleast now you can drink tea right.. " she said

"I am not in mood to drink or eat Avni... Please don't force me.." he said keeping his hands on his pocket. She started moving from there but stopped and turn to face him and again came near him

"Nothing will change because of your hunger Neil..... Just try to forget everything.... Mujhe pata hai... What had happen to Niya is worst than anything..." she said while he gave sudden look to her

"How did you know Avni?" he asked her while she looked at Dd and then Neil.

"Niya and Maanik was my friends..." this was another surprise for him.

"Tho... Vo... Maanik's best friend is you??" he asked her while she nodded

"Try to forget everything Neil..." she said while he held her by her arms

"So you are telling me to forgive him... After knowing what the injustice Niya and you faced..." he asked in rageful eyes looking at her

"Neil... What he sow he will surely reap..."she said while he left her and she started moving

In night

Avni was waiting for him as he straightly left from there not accompany her till home as Dd dropped her. She was walking in living hall nervously while she heared the door bell sound and went to opened it. She saw him in unstable state. She was shocked. He came in shaking missing the balance while she helped him. She hold him in her arms and with difficulties she took him to his room and made him to sit on the bed

"Avni... Yes you are right..... I just want to forget everything..... Everything you know....... Bohat Dard horraha hai yeh chotusa dil main......i just want to forget know what Avni...whenever I drink alcohol the same thing happens.... I will forget everything... Even myself... Thats why... That why I drink it...... "his statement made her shock

" Neil... What you have done.... Don't worry Neil... I will help you to get you out from this.... "she thought

He lyed on her lap

" Avni.... You are soooo sweet.... You forgave me.... You understand everything with patience..... I like you veryyyyy much..... Very much........ "he said showing his hands with infinity spaces while Avni look at him

" You know what Avni.... I still remember everything..... I still remebr her fearful voice from that video.... No... No... I should not remember anything.... Anything... "he blabber making her more worried of him.

" Avni... Why I am not able to sleep.... Whenever drink I sleep alot.... But today... I was not feeling sleepy... "he said playing with her hair

He was continously blabbering while suddenly she kept her finger on his lips making him to stop. They share and eyelock. Her hands moved to his eyes closing it. She started to sing Lori for him

Aa leke chalu tujhko
Ek aise desh mein
Aa leke chalu tujhko
Ek aise desh mein

Milti hai jaha khushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Milti hai jaha kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein

Aa leke chalu tujhko

Within sometime she saw him sleeping on her lap. While she ruffled his hairs and kissed his forehead.

In morning

Neil woke up. His vision was so blur and the effect was much on him. He saw himself lying on her lap and woke with a jerk waking her. Avni saw him and spoke nothing. She went from there not before looking at him. While Neil shut his eyes and understood everything. He went to freshen up and came out to find the her coming with the lime juice for him with a stern face.

"Avni... Vo actually...I am sorry Avni..." he said while she spoke nothing and was about to move while he grab her hands making her stop

"Avni I am really sorry yaar... I want to forget everything yaar as you told me.." he said while she turn and look at him with tearful eyes

She went near him and made him to sit on bed and she sat beside him. She cup his face while he keep his hand above hers, touching each other forehead

 She cup his face while he keep his hand above hers, touching each other forehead

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"Neil.... Let's forget together...... I don't want to remember anything either.... So should I start to drink?.... Alcohol is not the solution Neil... I am there na for you.... Please don't drink hereafter..." she said looking at his eyes while he nodded his head

He kissed her forehead in a assuring way and then she went from there wiping her tears. And their asusual day begins.

In night

Avni was desperately waiting for him and hoping for good. He reached there while she quickly open the door and found him to be smiling at her. While she smiles widely thanking God. He came in

"Thank you Neil... Thank you so much..." she said and hugged him with happiness as he respect her words and didn't drink today

After realising what she has done she broke the hug and look down.

"Vo... Actually I should say thank you.." he said while she smiles.

"Let's start fresh.... That too along with desserts..." he said and gave her cakes and Choclates.

"aww.. Choclates..." she said like kid while he chuckle

"Tho.. There is two choclates lover here... Tough competion..."he said

" Ahaan!!..." she said eating the Choclate truffle cake with extra choclates as decoration making no good on them

As their journey begins with sweet choclates and they were enjoying mocking each other.


Here is the next chapter

Hope you guys enjoyed💖

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Much love


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