Chapter 15

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"Avni didi..... Aap super man ko pakad liya..." Mowgli said laughing and their trance was broken while Dd was watching them and smiled

Avni was struggle to get out from the shawl. While Neil helped her and he left.

In evening

Avni and Dd were heading towards home.

"Vo.. Vo Kaha hai?" Avni asked

"Vo.. Vo kaun hai Avni..." Dd teased her

"Dd..." she said while he laughed

"Neil went home long back..." he said

"You know what....humare village main pati ko naam se nahi blaki Aise hi bhulathe hai... I mean Jo aapne puchrahi the na 'Vo kaha hai'.... Bhilkul jaise" he said and smiling

"What?... Pa.. Pati??" she asked shockingly

"Haa bhabhi... You are his legal wife.. And you are my bhabhi..."

"Dd... Tum Mujhe mazak uda rahi ho..." she asked pouting

"Sach main.... I swear bhabhi..." he said pinching his throat while Avni pouted

"Achaa teek hai... Nahi karunga aisa... But Neil is very good guy you Know..... he is not what he shows...." he said while Avni looked at Dd in confused manner.

They then reached home.

"Neil.....neil...." dd called him

While No response came from him. He then went to see him on his room. But he is nowhere. He then asked one of the bodyguard.

"Where is Neil?"

"Sirjiii was in his room only" he replied

Dd was trying his phone again and again. While Avni too searching for him. She then just pass through the Punishment room.

"Why did I came here..." she thought seeing the room and moved. She then searched in terrace.

"Punishnent room isn't lock.... But how?" she thought and moved there. She was standing outside the room. She was looking here and there and found the lock of that room.

"Yaha lock tho kholo hua hai... Aur key ke saath... Tho Neil ne zarroor yeh room khola hoga.." she thought and then walked towards the room. She slightly pushed the door

While on the other hand Dd and body guards were searching him everywhere

" What Neil wasn't reached office... Call me immediately when he reach there... "dd was talking to his PA and put of the call.

Avni came running there

" Dd.... " she called while Dd was shocked to see her

" Avni... Kya hua... "he asked while she was crying badly

" Vaha.... Vaha.... Puni...punishment ro... Room main.... "she was crying that the words are choking

" Avni tell me.... And why did you go there.. "he asked in a panick tone seeing her

" Vaha... Room... Main..... Main....... .. Neil.... "she said while they both rushed there

Avni was standing out while Dd went in and took him with the help of bodyguard and they reached his room. Dd immediately called the doctor. Within less time he reached there

" Avni how do you get to know about Neil..."

"I was just searching him... So I thought to go to terrace and passed through the room where I found the lock to open... And just opened the door and saw Neil lying there..." she said

After checking Doctor went. While Dd was in his room while Avni was in kitchen making food for him.

" Dd... You... Know....i.... Can't.... Able.. To surv...survive for 3 hours there in that room........... But..... I locked..... Avni there.... For.... 1 day....  You... Know.... Dd.... How I suffered to breath there...... Then.... How.... Difficult Avni would.. Have been faced........ "his words were breaking

" Neil... Are you out if your mind.....why are you doing like this.. " dd yells at him seeing his state

" Dd... I..... want.... to... pun.... Punish... myself.... Thats .....thats why..... I went..... there.... And..... and I..... locked myself there.... "he said while Avni stood at door step hearing this. While Dd was utter shock listening this.

" I witness this Neil... At... At the time of Niya's death.... And now he is doing like the same... "dd thought and hugged him tight not able to see his friend in this state

Avni  feels very bad for him. She slowly entered while Neil broke the hug and saw her . She kept the food on the table and turned and in sudden moment Neil hugged her tightly making her step back wards due to his force. Her hands were moving to and fro to his shoulder in order to calm him and  atlast she hugged him back

"Avni.... I am sorry.... I am really sorry.... Please don't be like this....please...please ....please..... I am not a monster....really....if you wanna beat me... Beat me... If you wanna punish me... Then you can.... But please.... Don't be like this.... Please... " he said without breaking his hug

"Please tell me that you accepted my sorry and you forgave me.... Please... Accept my sorry Avni..... Please.... Please...... Main maafi chatha hu.... Avni... " his tears were wetting her shoulder.

While he broked and cupped her face

"Tell me what should I wanna do to you to accept my sorry...tell me.. Avni..." he asked and moved from backwards from her. While she saw him with tears seeing him like this

"I know... I done a mistake.... Okay Avni..... I will try... I will try again and again.....untill you accept my sorry.... I will..." he said moving backwards

"Neil...meri baat suno... Listen me.." she said moving closer to him.

She made him to sit and cupped his face

"Avni... Tum mujhse baat karrahi ho..    Tho tum mujhse darti nahi ho na... Tho... You accepted my sorry haina.." he asked wiping his tears smilingly like a small kid

"Haa Neil... Haa.." she said while he hugged her waist

"Thank you.... Thank you sooo much Avni...." he said while she ruffled his hair to calm him down. While Dd wiped his tears.

Avni then looked at Dd.

"Neil..."dd called him while he looked at him

" So now everything okay.... Now have something and you wanna put your tablets... "dd said

" Nahi... I am okay.... Now everything is okay......"he said

" Neil... You should... "dd said in stern voice

" dd i am  saying na... I am okay... "he said while Dd looked at Avni and Avni nodded and said to him.

"Neil..please... You have to put medicine na..." she said smiling while he looked at her.

"Avni.. I am fine... Really..." he said holding her hand while she frown

"okay... Phirse gussa math karna... I will take tablets" he said pouting while she smiled

He then ate his dinner and took his tablets like a good boy and Dd made him sleep while Avni was waiting for Dd in living area.

"Thank you Avni... Neil ko samajne.. keliye..."dd said

"Dd... I wanna know everything.... About Neil.... Why he kidnapped me... And the what the matter going on between vidyut and Neil... Please you should say me..." Avni asked while he looked at her


Here is the next chapter💖

So I will try to complete this book before june. So on June my classes will be starting..

Do drop your reviews..

Much love

Reza.. 💖💖

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