Chapter 17

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All problem sorted?, Well! not indeed. The problem where is starts now. Neil was living in his bachelor pad. And then he got a call from shwetha

"Yeah Mom... I will not be coming today... Tomorrow my training period starts..."he said attending the call stretching his hands due to tired

" Teek hai Bachaa but Niya... Atleast drop her home... "she said while he was confused

" Niya?... She didn't came here today... "he said while she got panicked

" What?... Till now she didn't came here too.... "she said

" Mom... Relax... I will call Maanik.. "he said and put off the call

He then call maanik.

" Hey Neil... "

" Maanik... Is niya there? "he asked

" Nope... Actually I was trying to reach her... But she is not picking my call... Anything serious? ... "he asked him

" Neilther she came here nor she went home... " he said

" I will try to ask her friend circle... "maanik said and put off the call.

Dd came there and asked him seeing him tensed face. While he told him everything. Panick sticken on Neil's face. He was searching her everywhere where his mind didn't strike about anything. Suddenly his phone popped into a message

Message from unknown

He pick his phone and opened it while the video was fully dark unable to witness anything.

"Ahhhhhh..." suddenly he hear this sound. And Neil was shocked but he wasn't unable to see anything. Only he can hear voice.

"Please leave me.... Please leave me Vidyut..... Please...."

"Ohoooo... This hand slapped me right?.... When I came near you.... You know what Niya.... I don't like commitments... I mean wedding and all... Tsk... Boring... But... After seeing you I was like.... I want you.....I just want you...oops sorry not you.... Your..... " Vidyut said while Neil tapped the steering wheel in anger.

" Vidyut don't come near me..... Vidyut... "her voice were choking. Her sound was mixed with Fear and cries.

With that the Video got ended. He was trying to call but his number is switched off by the next minute he started to Mehta mansion. He entered there angrily shouting his name

While Aashish reached there


"Where is your son man?" he asked holding him by his collar.

"He is in out of station...."

"What the hell?... Where did he go...?" he asked

"He told he was going to kolkata..." he said while Neil left him and went away

He called Dd and asked him help to immediately surf him in kolkata every hook and corner. And the idea popped into his mind to trace his number. When he opened his WhatsApp the video was already deleted where that number is already deactivated which made him frustrate more. But who know he was in Mumbai not in kolkata and all was his plan. A day passes and there was no trace of him nor Niya.

He reached home while Shwetha shoot him with question followed by prakash. He has no answer for their question. The one thing his mind was continously cooking was that video and her voice which broke him apart burying his all hopes. Only thing he wants now is to see her face.

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