she came to your house?!

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joey's pov

i'm in philosophy class and i don't even want to see what i got on my essay of last week. i really need to focus more on school, hailey is distracting me too much lately. we've been 'together' for about a month now and we've fucked probably 40/50 times already. i mean i'm not complaining but that always happens when we are supposed to study. and my grades are paying the consequences.
the bell rings and i thank god cause now i have lunch and i'm fucking starving.
"i'm giving your essays back on your way out" the teacher yells. what the fuck why can't teachers say what they wanna say before their lesson is over?
"birlem" i walk towards him and see a weird expression on his face.
"i don't know if you've suddenly become the reincarnation of Shakespeare..." he sighs looking at me "but since i hardly doubt it: cheat again and i'm giving you detention for the whole week" he says and i put on a fake shocked face.
"i would never cheat" i dramatically gasp and he rolls his eyes. they should give me an award for making teachers lose it just by looking at me.
he hands me the paper and i walk out of class. i don't even look at it cause i'm too nervous. on my way to the cafeteria i spot mia at her locker. she turns around and we lock eyes...romantic you would say? no, this bitch is glaring at me as if i killed her dog. i wouldn't be surprised if she said all bullshit to make me fail my test purposely. cause i know for sure she understood that all the questions nicole asked her last week weren't actually for her, but for me.
she opens her locker and i keep walking. right before i enter the cafeteria someone calls mia's name and i don't know why but i turn around. i see hailey's ex waving his hand in mia's direction, smiling. when she notices him her body goes tense and she tries to ignore him, walking towards me. i furrow my brows: what is she gonna talk to me now that she has to escape a situation? her eyes move to look at me and right when i'm about to speak, she sends me a glare and walks past me, bumping her should into mine and entering the cafeteria.

"so?" nicole asks me sitting down on adam's lap.
"so what?" i ask her, getting distracted by hailey entering the cafeteria. she walks towards the football players' table. i clench my jaw when she sits down on a brunette guy's lap. don't get me wrong it's not like i actually care, but the fact that the whole school knows we have a thing and she goes whoring around anyways makes me look like a loser.
"so what did you get in philosophy?" nicole snaps me out of my gaze.
"oh um..." i try to reconnect my brain "i haven't checked yet" i hand it to her.
"wait how? after getting a test back i'm always dying to know the result" she says snatching it out of my hands.
she widens her eyes and i throw my head back, ready for another one of my Ds and seeing out of the corner of my eye hailey running her hand through the jock's hair. ah fuck i need to step up my game.
"oh my lanta" nicole squeals "you got an A!"
i shot my head in her direction, not believing her words.
"let me see" i take it from her and when i see the big bright red written A at the upper right corner of my paper i have to hold myself back from fainting.
"you're welcome" a voice says and the lovely little monster takes a seat next to her sister. i would think about how annoying her attitude is but i can't help but wonder where the hell she was all this time since she entered the cafeteria before me. but actually who cares i got a fucking A! i should thank mia but my proud self won't let me do it.
"sis where were you? i called you like 20 minutes ago and you didn't pick up" nicole tells her sister.
"i was handling a situation" she says and then the same guy from before, hailey's ex, sits down at our table.
we all go quiet as mia smiles at him. i look at nicole in complete confusion. i don't know the reason but i know that mia hated this guy's nuts. and by the look on nicole and adam's faces i understand that it's the same for them.
"sis" nicole says through gritted teeth "what the hell is he doing here"
"yeah mia what the fuck is he doing here?" adam says, not being able to keep calm like his girlfriend.
"chill out" mia rolls her eyes at them "he apologized and now we're cool. obviously not best friends but cool" she shrugs.
"mia don't you remember what he did to you?" nicole asks her
"yeah mia do you need a little reminder?" adam spats venomous. okay whatever the hell happened between them seems something serious.
"don't need to remind me" she says, a challenging look in her eyes that are locked in adam's "but maybe i have to remind you what his girlfriend did to me" she says nodding her head in my direction. um what?
"his girlfriend is not sitting at our table" adam seems even angrier now.
"yeah but she was sitting in your living room yesterday afternoon, huh?" she challenges. yesterday i was supposed to meet up with hailey but i completely forgot and went to adam's. so since he lives literally next door hailey had the great idea to come knock on his door and jane, being the nice woman she is, let her in. but the thing is, how the fuck does mia know that?!
"your mom is more loyal than you'll ever be" she spats at adam. well mystery solved. thanks jane. wait actually what? i don't care if she knows or not, but i feel bad for adam since he's been working his butt off to get mia's trust back and now she's mad at him and it's my fault.
adam looks taken aback by that and nicole turns to look at him, fire in her eyes.
"she came to your house?" she yells
"my mom let her in!" adam defends himself.
"well you should have kicked her out!" nicole scolds him and he looks defeated. what in the hell did hailey do to mia to make the lovely and too-kind nicole so mad at her?
"it was my fault, she was supposed to come over but i was at adam's so she came there" i come in defense of my best friend.
nicole sighs, looking at me disappointed "why are you looking at me like that?" i ask her.
"you could do so much better joey" she tells me and i roll my eyes.
"okay i'm sorry" the guy speaks up "i've already apologized to mia and now i'm apologizing to you too" he sighs "i'm really sorry for what i did to her and if i could go back in time i wouldn't do anything to hurt her" he says and mia seems not to like the last part. she's really that proud huh? probably the first person on earth that's prouder than me.
"you'll have to sweat to make me like you again" nicole points her finger at him and he smiles, moving his look on adam.
"you know i don't like him" he looks at mia "and i never will" he states, firm.
"well then good thing you are not the one who needs to like him" she smiles sarcastically at him and i freeze in my seat. doesn mia like the dude?

as you could tell joey's mixed feelings about mia, for now...

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