why her?!

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guys i think the girl up here is the one i imagine mia as
she's reinangelica on insta if you wanna see more photos of her❤️

"i can't believe we're back at it again" i say sitting down at our usual table "somebody kill me"
"hello love birds" nicole pops out of nowhere and sits down next to joey
"we're not-" i try to say but joey cuts me off
"mornin nic" he tells her
"i can't believe this is our last year" my sister frowns "i'm gonna miss this place" she says.
"i'm really not" joey scoffs and i giggle
"what? it's just the first week and i already got detention" he says
"yeah, adam too" nicole says and joey chuckles
"where's adam btw?" i ask her and she shrugs "why?"
"susan got me two tickets to the next laker's match and i wanna ask him if he wants to come" i tell her
"i'm down!" adam magically appears and sits down too "where and when" he says
"september 15th, the play starts at 9" i tell him and he nods
"adam, we have that thing remember?" nicole shoots him a glare
"what thi-...OH" he says when she gives him a look
"i'm sorry mi-" he says
"whatever" i scoff.
i swear i'm so supportive of my sister and adam's relationship, but sometimes he forgets he has a best friend too. i mean they're always together and she can't let go of him for one fucking night? c'mon!
"mia c'mon i'm sor-"
"i said whatever adam!" i snap and he keeps quiet.
i lean my head on my hand that's balled into a fist and close my eyes to chase away the annoyance that this situation brings me every time.
i hear nicole and adam arguing about this but i decide to stay out of it. i'm not the problem here, nicole's obsessiveness towards her boyfriend is.
suddenly someone grips my arm, making me open my eyes. i look at joey's thumb going back and forth on my arm and i feel my skin tingling, as his touch is burning on it.
"want me to come with you?" he asks me, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers together.
i look at our hands and then back at him, seeing him smiling innocently.
i decide to let this one go cause i'm not in the mood to argue about this.
"i thought you hated lakers" i tell him
"i do" he states and i furrow my brows
"then why would you waste a whole night watching them play?" i ask him. he hates them with a passion.
"i said that i'll come with you, not that i'll watch the match" he tells me and i become even more confused
he looks at me and smiles. then he looks at our hands and starts caressing mine with his thumb, making me feel the same tingling feeling as two minutes ago.
"i'll just look at you the whole time" he says blankly.
thank god he's not looking at me, or else he would point out the fact that i'm a fucking tomato right now.
"sounds fun" i shrug his comment off with a chuckle.
he looks at me and squeezes his eyes "for sure it's more fun than watching that somewhat of a team play" he says teasing me.
i immediately snatch my hand out of his and send him a glare. he starts laughing and i grip the collar of his shirt.
"listen you delusional ugly ass-"
"um...hi?" my sister's voice catches my attention.
i look in her direction and see a guy standing in front of our table like he's waiting for something.
"hey, um...i'm the new guy. my mom told me some guys from my neighborhood would show me around, that's you, right?" he asks and then takes a look at each one of us.
"oh yeah, that's us" joey says and the guys shoots him a glare. did i miss something?
"oh well in that case, hi, i'm nicole" my sister says "those are adam, hailey, jonah, brandon, joey and mia".
the guy nods "i'm riley" he says.
joey tries to take my hand again but i kick his leg. mess with lakers and i'll mess with you.
i look away from him and see the new guy looking at us and smirking.
i furrow my brows and look at joey. he is confused too.
"you can sit down with us if you want to" nicole says "mia will show you around later" she says and i shoot my head in her direction.
"WHAT! why her?" joey takes the words away from my mouth.
"because..." she glares at him "everyone at this table besides her is a senior, we can't be late to classes nor miss anything the teachers explain" she says.
i look at joey and see him roll his eyes. i can't help but chuckle and he smiles at me.
i recompose myself and put a straight face on, looking away from him.

joey's pov

"c'mon mi" nicole tells her.
nicole noticed me struggling to get mia to talk to me so she decided to help me by pointing out that there's no chair for riley and she asked mia to give him hers and sit on my lap.
"you can sit on adam or hailey can sit on jonah" she says and hailey butts in the conversation.
"we're both on our periods" she says and nicole turns completely red.
"really?! what did i do to you?" adam looks up as he's talking to god.
i chuckle and nicole slaps his arm.
"both of you?" mia raises her brow.
hailey sends her a glare and she sighs "fine!".
she gets up and fixes her booty shorts. i look at her butt and then rub my face with my hands.
then i look up at the sky and mouth a 'thank u' to the angels that blessed me with this gift.
everyone chuckles and mia turns around, sending me a glare.
she sits down on my lap and riley sits on her chair.
i lean forward so that her back is pressed against my chest and i sneak an arm around her waist.
she doesn't complain about it so i figured she's not mad anymore.
"so mia" riley says "you're not a senior, right?"
"that's what my sister said" she says and i smile. i don't know why but i already dislike this guy. i'm glad she's not nice to him.
"you're tough" he says
"so i've been told" she says and takes a sip out of her water. i look at her lips and can't help but think how soft they would be on mine.
"i was wondering...can you show me around our neighborhood after school? you know i'm not practical with streets yet" he asks her and i tighten my grip around her waist.
i see her smirking and then she smiles at riley "sure, i'll give you my number so you can text me your address and i can pick you up"
"dope, give me your phone and i'll add myself in your contacts" he says and she does so.
she looks at me and she smiles when she realizes how mad i am. she just gave some stranger her phone number and she accepted to 'show him around'. all alone. the two of them alone.
she moves her hips and it takes all my will not to grow under her and ruin the moment.
she leans back and whispers in my ear "next time think about a better excuse to make me do what you want".

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