i miss you too

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mia's pov

"so i'll see you tomorrow?" aaron asks me leaning against his motorbike and pulling me on him
i place my hands on his chest and push myself back "who knows" i grin and he rolls his eyes, smiling
"you never lean huh?" i laugh and he shakes his head.
"well, if i'm not gonna see you tomorrow we'd better stay together a little longer tonight" he says sneaking his hands around my butt.
i immediately slap his hands away and he frowns.
"it's almost 4 aaron, if my dad finds me sneaking in this late again he will never let me go out with you again" i tell him
"naaah i don't think so, it seems like your brother believed the golden boy act i put up some weeks ago" he says smirking and i raise my brows at him
"you're delusional" i tell him "even if you really were a golden boy my brother would still think bad of you just because i'm dating you" i tell him and walk towards the front door.
"goodnight" he smiles at me and i enter the house, smiling.

dude my dates with aaron are tiring as hell, he drains all the energy from my body.
when i'm changed into my pjs i finally get in bed, before noticing hailey is not in the bed my dad set up for her. weird, i don't remember seeing her on the couch either.
wait, why am i even worrying about the girl anyway? whatever.
i shut my eyes close and right before i fall into deep sleep, a bang on my door wakes me up.
fuck, fuck i knew dad would wake up. the door creeps open and i pretend to be sleeping.
i hear quiet footsteps coming towards my bed and then a loud thud. what the hell?
i jump up and open my eyes, seeing hailey laying on the ground.
"what the-" i get out of bed and start chuckling. then i take a deep breath trying to hold back the part of me who wants to make fun of her for 'having fucked too hard that she can't even walk'.
then i notice she doesn't move. my smile dies on my face and i run towards her. did she really pass out?
"yo, hailey, hailey are you okay" i turn her body so that she's facing the ceiling.
"i'm a slut" she cries out. okay she didn't pass out.
"i'm not trying to deny it but what makes you think that?" i ask her, holding back my laugh
"i cheated on my best friend, then on my boyfriend and now on my boyfriend again" she says clearly drunk "when will i stop?" she slaps her hand on her forehead and i pick her up.
i make her sit on my bed "wait up" i tell her and go take her a water bottle.
i come back in my room and find her crying again. i hand her the water and she gratefully takes it.
"so? what happened?" i tell her and she looks at me
"why do you want to know?" she asks me and i shrug
"if you don't shrug some stress off i'll find myself with a headache tomorrow because of your dying cat-like crying" i tell her and she sighs.
"i was at a bar...i was dancing on my own when jonah came up to me offering me a drink" she says giggling
"wait hold on, jonah as in the jonah who sits with my friends in the cafeteria at school?" i ask her in disbelief. i didn't know they had a thing for each other
she nods and goes on "we started drinking sooo much" she opens her arms wide to show me how much they drank. i chuckle at how wasted she is.
"then i remember us making out and he was telling me how he wanted to feel me and-" she starts going in details and i stop her
"okay okay i get the point, don't make me throw up" i gag and she glares at me.
"and then you know what happened next" she crosses her arms.
"hailey why did you do that? you're with joey" i rub my eyes, yawning.
"me and joey don't go well together anymore. we lost interest in each other and i started growing feelings for jonah" she shrugs
"then why didn't you just break up with joey before going to the club?" i ask her
"because i wanted to have a hold of something you want so bad" she looks down and i furrow my brows
"what?" i ask her confused
"oh don't play dumb with me, you and joey like each other! i can see it from the way he looks at you and gets mad everytime he sees you with that hot leather jacket guy!" she says referring to aaron. i chuckle at her making thirsty comments about guys even in these conditions. then i realize what she said.
what? joey likes me? no that's impossible. i hate the guy's guts and i'm pretty sure he hates me too. plus his attitude is so childish, i could never deal with him as my boyfriend.
"you're delusional hailey, joey and i don't like each other" i chuckle and she glares at me
"you'll see" she says "but now i don't know what to do with joey!" she frowns.
"well for now you'll just sleep on it and tomorrow you'll call joey and tell him" i tell her "that's the only way to be okay with yourself, plus he deserves to know". i don't know why but i can't help but be mad about this. i mean joey showed more than once that he's not that interested in relationships, so i'm pretty sure he won't be hurt by hailey cheating on him. but i don't know somehow i'm pissed that she did this to him, maybe it's because after all he's apart of my group of friends.
"thank u" she tells me and i remain quiet "this is why i've always been jealous of you" she says and i furrow my brows.
"what?" i ask confused
"of how gorgeous and strong you've always been, i always envied you" she tells me again and i'm caught completely off guard.
the blonde perfect body blue eyed jealous of...me? i don't believe this bullshit.
"that's why i did that to you. i wanted to take some perfection away from you by taking your boyfriend. but after you walked out of my life i realized how you were doing just fine without me while i felt like a piece of my heart had been torn apart" she says and i feel my chest aching.

oh please mia, you're so fucking weak! it took you so long to bury the love you had for this girl and now your let her bring it back to life that easily?! you're pathetic!

"i let my jealousy towards you take away the happiness that our friendship brought me, and now i can't do anything to make my way back to your heart" she looks down and fiddles with her fingers.
she's right, she hurt me too much. and i know when she'll sober up these words will be blown in the wind and we'll go back to hate each other. i just know it.
i'm about to say something when hailey shots up and runs to my bathroom. i run after her and hold her hair back, patting her back while she empties her intoxicated stomach.
she wipes her mouth and i help her get up, i flush the toilet and walk back inside my room.
i lay hailey on the bed and she turns her back on me, before i climb to the other side of the bed and lay down too.
i can't help but think about what she said to me. i didn't know she went through all those feelings during our friendship. i don't know what i could have done if i had known at the time but maybe our friendship wouldn't have ended the way it did. maybe it wouldn't have ended at all.
"mia" hailey calls my attention and i turn around "please can you hug me?" she asks me and i'm sure my expression shows i didn't see that coming.
"only for tonight, please i need it" she says and i fight my reason and give in.
i shift towards her and wrap my arms around her. this doesn't feel new at all, it feels like we've never stopped being friends and it scares me. what if she hurts me again? what if i fall in her trap again?
but when, after a few minutes of caressing her head, i feel her light snores i start questioning myself:
what if this isn't a trap?

i wake up to the sound of crying. i open my eyes and don't see hailey next to me. i sit up and scan the whole room, spotting a tiny figure curled up in a ball in a corner on the floor.
i get out of bed and run towards her "hailey, why are you on the floor?" i ask her worried
"i don't deserve you" she cries even more and i furrow my brows.
"i don't deserve your friendship, i've been nothing but a bitch to you. i betrayed you, i hurt you so bad and i had the guts to even ask you to hug me! what is wrong with me!" she lays her head on the wall and i realize she's not drunk anymore.
"i'm sorry mia. i'm sorry for betraying you, for not believing in your love and care for me and for what i told you about your family at school. i'm so sorry for everything. you're right to hate me and i don't expect you to forgive me, just know that i'm sorry" she says "and i miss you" she says more quietly.
i stare at her for a while before i sigh and take her hands into mine. she looks at me confused and i smile weakly at her.
"i miss you too" i tell her
"i-i...i don't understand" she says
"i'm not saying we're going straight back to being best friends, but i miss you too. i'm sorry for not realizing how you were feeling during our friendship and yes, you did hurt me by doing what you did..." i take a deep breath and she looks down
"but i'm tired of being mad and rancorous about that especially now that we live in the same house. i really want to move on and if forgiving you will allow us both to do so that's what i'm doing" i tell her and look straight into her eyes.
"so, hailey, i forgive you." i tell her and a smile starts creeping on her face.
"but i'll still make jokes about you and your addiction to sex" i say and she rolls her eyes.
we look at each other and she thanks me, before throwing herself on me and hugging me.
"okay woah, chill out tiger" i laugh and she joins.
"now let's go back to sleep" i get up and get in bed again.

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