why did u let her go with him?!

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mia's pov

"what are you doing here?" my brother leo stands right in front of hailey, looking her up and down.
i would say something if the words actually managed to get out of my mouth.
"yeah what the fudge are you doing here?" nicole runs down the stairs, walking dangerously towards hailey.
this can't be happening. it just can't. how is it possible? miami is fucking huge how is it fucking possible that my dad got with hailey's mom? i want to shoot myself in the face right now.
when i look at joey and notice the sorry look into his eyes, i snap out of my trance and start walking down the stairs.
"your mom?" i ask hailey and she turns to look at me. she quickly glances between me and joey a couple times, with both confusion and worry in her eyes.
"your dad?" she asks and i run my hand through my hair. i am completely defeated right now. i don't know what to do. my dad has just come back and i haven't even accepted him having a new woman into his life yet. let alone her being hailey's mom. how the fuck does he dare bring a new woman into his kids' life not even after 2 days of being back. he should be spending his time looking after us and earning our trust back, but no...all he thinks about is making things official with a woman he's probably been fucking the whole time he spent in recovery. how fucking pathetic.
"well hailey" my brother catches her attention "i won't lower myself to offend you for all you've done and said to my sister, but i won't even allow you to stay in my house either" he speaks up and i smile slightly.
he walks over and looks down at me, his eyes full of worry and love "i'm sorry you found yourself in this situation, i'll fix this up" he says and tries to walk towards the kitchen, where my dad and hailey's mom are. but i stop him.
he turns back to me with a confused expression on his face. i smile bitterly at him and when he sighs i understand that he got what's going to happen, he knows me too well.
when my mom died and my dad fell into alcohol, leo was the one to take the responsibility of looking after nicole and i. he's always been there for us, from the most serious things as applying for high school and taking us to the doctor, to the smallest and most embarrassing ones as talking about boys problems and buying us pads when that time of the month would come up. he's been raising us up for almost 5 years now and i couldn't be more proud to have such an amazing brother as him.
"mia you don't have to do this" he says looking me dead in the eyes.
i nod "i know, but i want to" i tell him, while looking into the kitchen where my father and his girlfriend are laughing with each other.
"well i don't" nicole snaps me out of my gaze and leo and i turn to her confused "what? you thought i would be okay with our dad dating the mother of this fake ass beech?" she scoffs, crossing her arms.
i widen my eyes, slightly amused, while watching hailey's both confused and pissed face.
"excuse me-" the fake blonde speaks up, but my sister shuts her off "no, i don't excuse you. now shut up before i actually kick your plastic ass out of my house" she says and hailey starts walking dangerously towards her.
"wow wow wow" leo runs towards them, getting in between the two "let's all calm down now" he says, gripping my sister's waist and lightly pushing her back.
i walk up to her and stand right in front of her figure "listen sis" i place my hand on her shoulder "i'm the last person who would want this bitch inside my family" i tell her and hailey gasps "HEY!" she frowns
"SHUT UP!" my siblings and i shout in unison and she decides to keep it quiet, smart of her.
"but i won't be the immature and spoiled little brat who won't put on a fake smile just to see her dad happy" i tell her and her face softens.
"but mí, she's done you so dirty" she frowns and i smile at her "exactly. she did ME dirty, not you, nor leo." i sigh
"and if i decide to put my anger aside to help our dad grow from the pain that's been dragging him down for 4 damn years..." i take a deep breath "i expect you to stand on my side...and be with me through this, cause i'll need you" i say and then look at my brother "i'll need both of you"
i finish off and nicole is speachless. she tries to debate but then she lets it go, knowing that i won't change my position. i shoot a warning glare at hailey, meaning that i won't let her think or act the opposite way i've just explained. i won't let her ruin my dad's second chance of happiness. she hesitantly nods at me and, from the corner of my eye, i see joey holding back a smile.
suddenly i feel two big arms wrap around me. i look up and see my brother's eyes that always feel like home.
"i'm so proud of you" he kisses my head and i return the hug, nicole immediately after joining us.
"oh, here they are" my dad walks in followed by a woman, making the room go quiet.
her hair is dark brown, her eyes a bright green and her skin pale like porcelain...she kinda looks like my mom. she is beautiful.
"susan, these are my kids: leo-the eldest, nicole-middle child and mia" he stops and looks at me "our little baby" he smiles and i roll my eyes, jokingly.
i pull away from my sibling and i's hug and walk up to the woman.
"guys, this is my-" he hesitates "girlfriend, susan" he says and i put on the brightest and fakest smile at the same time.
"it's a pleasure finally meeting you, susan. i've heard a lot of good things about you and i'm happy i can finally see them myself" i stretch my hand out for her to shake.
after a few seconds of confusion she looks at my hand. a huge smile starts forming on her lips, a much more real than mine, and then she literally throws herself on me, embracing me in a hug.
"i can say the same, i'm so happy to see you don't hate me" she sighs of relief and i chuckle, honestly this time, and i return the hug.

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