i don't want anything from you

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hailey's pov (ik i'm sorry)

mia kept her promise and yesterday i was able to go out with joey. in the end i wore a mid thigh skirt and a long sleeved lace body that mia had never worn before. she said they were too revealing for her...like i didn't get it was a smooth way to tell me i'm a slut.
that's another thing, she is really trying her best not to offend me so much, i'm not saying she's nailing it completely, but at least she's trying.
anyways i'm not willing to talk to my mom yet: she was a bitch to me and she has to apologize.
"where are you going again?" she steps in my way, once again.
"to joey's, is there a problem with what i'm wearing again?" i sarcastically point at my outfit, made of blue jeans and a crop top.
my mom crosses her arms and shakes her head "why can't you be respectful and comprehensive towards your mother like any other daughter would do?" she asks me and i'm about to respond when she pronounces the phrase that manages to break me in one million pieces, the phrase that's always been a fear hidden in the back of my head and that now has become reality.
"why can't you be like mia?" she says and i don't even realize i'm crying before i hear christian's voice roam through the room "wow susan, calm down now" he walks towards her and pulls her back
i turn my face away from her and spot mia behind me, with a disappointed expression on her face.
"she respects her dad and wants nothing but his happiness. and she doesn't dress herself like a-" my mom says but gets cut off
"ENOUGH!" mia's voice says "susan do you even listen to yourself when you talk?" she tells my mother who has a confused expression on her face
"yes i-"
"well clearly not" mia takes a deep breath "listen, i appreciate you for thinking good of me, but you shouldn't make your daughter feel like she needs to be someone else to please you" she says and i furrow my brows. why is she defending me? doesn't she hate me?
"some misunderstanding between you two don't mean that your daughter isn't an amazing person. i know her and i can assure you that she does have a value, she just needs time to mature and to get used to this new situation" she looks at me and then at her dad "just as i'm taking my time to do so" he slightly smiles at her and she places her look back on my mom.
she has a confused expression on, just like me, while i watch mia turn her back to us and walk upstairs.

"hey" i grab her arm before she walks in her room.
she turns around and glares at me. just one minute ago she was spending those good ass words on me and now she's looking at me once again like the bitch who betrayed her. i don't understand.
"um-...thank u...for what you've done downstairs" i tell her and look down at my hands holding her arm, suddenly missing the feeling of her hugs.
she doesn't flinch, she doesn't smile nor frowns in disgust like i'm used to her doing. it's almost like she's uninterested and the only emotion showing in her eyes is a little hint of sadness.
"i don't want anything from you, not even your apology, i wasn't talking about you" she tells me and takes her arm out of my grip.
"i-...i don't understand" i stutter in confusion
"i was talking about my best friend hailey" she says and looks me straight in the eyes "and clearly she's not the one standing in front of me" she walks in her room and slams the door shut behind her.

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