i won't do anything stupid

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hey before you start reading this i just wanted to say this is a really important chapter both for the plot of the story and for me. i don't know if you know (?) but english is not my first language, so it was really difficult for me to put into proper words joey's thoughts and all. i really hope this turned out clear for you to understand and, if not, comment some advice that you think i should follow to step my vocabulary up.
and of course thank you for reading❤️

joey's pov

it's like 2 weeks i'm constantly at the evan's house. hailey and her mom are staying here for a while so i found myself hanging here almost everyday.
now i'm in their living room, talking to christian about last nba match.
"i think they could have done better" i admit
"no way dude they were amazing" he shuts me off and i laugh. this men sound anything but a men when he talks to me. he's always saying stuff that you wouldn't expect coming out of an adult's mouth, stuff as 'dude', 'bro', 'chill', even 'fuck off' and 'get a life' when his kids make fun of him. i just love being around this man. but i guess i can't say the same about his youngest daughter, who is now walking in the living room, ranting about how lakers are way better than celtics.
"say that again and you're sleeping on the sidewalk tonight" christian points his finger at her
"oh really? cause last time i checked leo's the owner of this house" mia raises her brows at her father.
during the past few weeks i've witnessed several scenes like that, where mia shoves her dad's mistakes in his face. and even tho christian may sound like a teenager when he talks, he's always showing his maturity by avoiding getting mad about his daughter's rancorous words. i can see it in his eyes that he gets upset and sad, but he knows that he messed up and, knowing his daughter, he knows it will be a hard way earning her trust back.
"btw i'm going out with aaron, so bye" she announces and i feel myself stiffen up.
this past few weeks i've realized whatever is going on between mia and that guy, it's something serious. and i've found myself being a lot more irritated by that than i should be.
"use protection and don't give me any little mia's to look after yet, the world is not ready for that" leo comes down the stairs.
i feel my heart completely drop at the sound of that. has mia had sex with him? has he really touched her in that way?
what am i even saying of course they have fucked, they've been together for a month or so for what i know. the thing is: why do i care so much about it?
maybe it's because i thought mia was tougher and harder to get and now realizing she's not is kinda disappointing. but still that shouldn't touch me so much.
wait but shouldn't leo be the protective way kind of brother?
"shouldn't you tell her not to do certain stuff? you're her big brother!" christian reads my mind, his face turning a bright shade of red.
"she's a teenager and even if she didn't wanna do that, her first instinct would be to do that just because i tell her not to." leo responds, but i don't agree with him. mia's really decisive and loyal to her ideas, which are always oddly mature and solid based for her being a teenager, so i don't really think it would take her brother telling her not to do something to make her jump into stupid situations.
at first i thought she just wanted to play tough to show herself off as grown up, but these two weeks spent watching her face different situations in her own house, her own space where she doesn't have to pretend being someone she's not...they made me realize how much of an actual young woman she is.
funny i got that, since i pretty much seem like an empty hearted and minded asshole 24/7.
i've been thinking a lot about what mia's told me: about me being scared of love and stuff. she doesn't know me at all so of course she can't know that, but her words still touched me.
the truth is that i have so many things i would want to take out of my chest, i just don't know how to do it anymore. mia and nicole are not the only ones who have had a great loss in their lives.
she doesn't know it but i see myself in mia: we both were so full of light as kids and suddenly life decided to smack us in the face for that.
the only difference between us is that she's been strong enough to preserve a part of her innocence.
"so i might as well ask for compromise" leo says finishing his explanation.
"not that it's any of anyone business" mia catches our attention...well, christian and leo's, cause mine was already on her "but i won't do anything stupid" she says, heading towards the door and throwing her jacket on.
"define 'stupid', cause it may not mean the same for everyone" christian says and she smiles, winking at him and shutting the door behind her.

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