i like you

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mia's pov

"c'mon nic, you need to get your mind off him for a while!" i pull on her hand, trying to get her out of her bed.
"i don't want to" she frowns and i roll my eyes
"yes you do, you just need to taste a little bit of what it's like going to the club without a boyfriend to worry about" i smile trying to convince her but her being my sister and having the same genes as mine, she shakes her head and pulls back.
"okay enough" i use all my strength to pull on her arm and she flies out of bed, falling on top of me and making me stumble.
i regain my balance and i cup her cheeks with my hands "aaron and i are going to the club tonight and you're coming with us" i tell her
"nooo i don't wanna be a third wheel" she says and for a moment i debate asking hailey and jonah to come with us too, before realizing that wouldn't change anything since they're also a couple.
i'm not gonna say anything about that but just know that i ain't here for that. jonah is a douche and hailey seems to be too involved to realize that. i'm worried for her, i mean...she's like a step sister to me, right?
"you won't since we're gonna find you a cute guy to mess with" i tell nicole and she shoots me a glare "as in dancing with him nicole, not fucking him omg" i roll my eyes at her and walk towards her closet to pick an outfit.

"i think i should go home" nicole says and i shoot her a glare.
"you're staying" i grab her hand "and we're dancing" i pull her on the dance floor and turn my back to her, swaying my hips and dancing on her.
she tenses as she's not the type to be wild dancing at a club full of strangers. but after resigning to the idea of me not letting go of her, she starts giggling and dancing with me.
aaron comes up to me and i turn my back to him. he pulls me back and attaches my back to his chest. i keep moving my hips and he pushes himself closer to me, while my legs are tangled with nicole's who's facing me and finally letting loose a little bit.
we keep dancing together till some cute ass boy starts making his way towards us. i take that as a chance and  push nicole harshly, so that the falls back in his arms.
he catches her and i see her apologizing to him. he just smiles at her and they start dancing together.
i smile as a proud mom and check on them for a while to see if the guy goes too far.
everything seems alright so when aaron pulls me towards the bar i go with him.
we sit down in a way that i still have have a visual on my sister. i keep checking on her from time to time...i mean, i was the one who told her to make adam suffer a little for what he's done, but he's still my best friend and he's in love with her, so i need to keep an eye on her just in case her being heartbroken led her to do something she would regret.
"another one" i hear aaron's voice say.
i turn around and he's already looking at me. i grin and he pulls me towards him "you're fucking hot" he says and i laugh.
the barman hands him another cup and i immediately pull away from him, smelling the alcohol.
he chuckles, probably thinking about all the times i've told him i hate alcohol. he thinks it's just that i'm too innocent for that, little does he know my dad has just recovered from being an alcoholic.
he takes the cup and i look at it, amused. this club sells alcohol to minors in red party cups, i can't help but laugh.
aaron raises his cup and starts drinking from it.
i look at him chugging the alcohol down, at the way his neck leans back to drink even the last drop of it and the way his muscles tense when he puts it down on the bar.
i look at every move he makes and i can't help but think of joey, of that one time at one of my parties when he drank the alcohol for me at beer pong.
i shrug the thought off my mind and look back at aaron, his grip on the cup tight and almost desperate.
"let's go dance" he takes my hand and pulls me back to the dance floor.
i giggle and follow after him.
we end up dancing next to nicole and that cute guy who seem to be having a lot of fun.
i turn to face her and she does the same, aaron grips my waist from behind and the guy does the same with nicole. i send her a wink and she smiles brightly after what felt like an eternity to me.
she nods and we start swaying our hips around, causing the dance to get heated pretty fast. aaron's grip around my waist tightens as i feel something touch my butt. oh well.
when i don't stop moving he abruptly turns me around and pulls me into him as close as humanly possible.
"don't tease me babygirl" he whispers in my ear, before smashing his lips onto mine.
he moves to my neck and after a few minutes he finds my sweet spot, making me moan into his ear.
he roams his hands up and down my torso, reaching my butt.
i push his hands away and he rolls his eyes. i chuckle and turn around again, noticing the cute ass guy dancing alone.
i look around the dance floor, till i spot my sister next to the couches.
suddenly someone grabs me by my waist and brings me off the dance floor, then pulling me in their chest.
"let go of me!" i yell on top of the music. i look up at the person and get mesmerized by his eyes. i realize i've already seen them before, but instead of the usual hint of lust and cockiness that usually make them appear dark and deep, they're now a bright and light shade of green.
i look at his face and notice his face features soften. i try pulling away but he keeps me close to him.
"i said let go of me" i look straight into his eyes.
he slowly lets me go and i fix my dress. i look up at him again and notice him scanning my body.
"my eyes are up here" i yell to make him hear me.
he looks up at me and i roll my eyes, spotting my sister again and noticing she's with adam. i can't believe they both pulled us off the dance floor. what's wrong with them?!
"you are pathetic!" i yell at joey.
"for what? going to take what i want?" he tells me
i scoff "what you want? you want everything that has a vagina and oxygenated blond hair. and flash news, my hair is fucking black and my vagina is off limits!" i shove his chest and try to walk towards my sister.
from how he's been acting lately i knew damn well this conversation would have happened sooner or later, but tonight i'm not in the fucking mood.
he pulls me back and keeps me steady "can you fucking listen to me in silence for once!" he yells and i glare at him.
you know what? i'm already one foot in so why don't just go and get this over with.
"go ahead" i sit down on a couch and cross my arms.
he sits down next to me and rubs his hands on his jeans "listen i know you won't believe me but i actually really really like you" he says looking at me. he then widens his eyes probably not believing that he said that himself.
when i don't respond he goes on "and i don't mean just physically, but mainly mentally" he says and oh how i wish i could tell him the same.
"joey i'm sorry but i don't feel the same way" i tell him and see his look on me harden.
"you're lying" he says and i raise my brows at him
"excuse me? why would i lie?" i cross my arms again
"i know you feel something too, you can't deny it" he says and i scoff
"you see? this is your problem! you're so fucking full of yourself that you can't even cope with someone not liking you back" i chuckle bitterly.
"that's not the point!" he shouts "i know you feel something too and i'm not giving up until i'll get what i want" he says and i'm speechless by the immensity of this boy's ego and arrogance.
so i tell him the only thing that comes to my mind "well, honey, you can't have whatever you what, whenever you want it and in the way you like it. it's called life, search how it works up on google" i pat his chest and try to stand up again.
"why are you always such a bitch?" i hear him say and i turn around.
"how am i a bitch? because i don't want to give in that easily after YOU decided to cut every bond that you could have possibly built with me off? you turned down even the possibility of being friends joey! you did it, not me! now cope with the consequences" i tell him and he stands up too
"you know why i did it! what adam told me about you scared the shit out of me, i knew myself and i knew that i would have hurt you one way or the other" he shouts "i did it for your sake! and it turned against me!"
"that was adam's point of view! someone who cares for me and wanted to watch my back! but flash news: adam is not me. you built your opinion on me basing on someone else's. that's why i don't like you!" i shout
"yes, i thought we could have at least built a good friendship, but i never liked you in any other way besides as a friend!" i say completely out of breath now
"and if you had the balls to ignore what adam told you and come see with your own eyes how i was feeling, you would have realized it earlier" i tell him and walk off, leaving him there completely speechless.

soooo it seems like joey finally grew the balls to tell mia he likes her.
now stay tuned to see how he will deal with rejection😂🤪

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