that's none of my business, pretend.

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hailey's pov (yes, you read that right)

okay hailey, you can do this, i mean it's not like she's a monster or anything.
i enter her room and find her sitting on her bed, her face features scrunched up in madness while she looks down at her phone. she raises her head and sends me a hatred glare. okay, maybe she is a monster.
but still i need some advice, i don't have fucking friends and when it comes to something this important i need help.
"um, i know you hate me and i hate you too but can we put this aside for a second so you can help me pick out an outfit?" i show her my brightest smile, hoping she won't bite my face.
she looks at me as if i'm crazy. "no" she simply says.
i scoff and walk over her closet. christian let me use her closet for my clothes, thank god i should say, or else i would've died already by now. nicole doesn't seem a really great host, especially when i'm the guest.
i go through my clothes and find a white, almost transparent, v neck top and some ripped shorts.
then i decide to pick out a red body and a black short skirt. i know, i like putting my self out, but what can i say? i'm confident and i love my body, i don't think wanting other people to love it too is a crime.
i turn around and hesitate before placing my clothes on mia's bed, knowing that right when i'm not looking she'll push them on the ground.
surprisingly she doesn't, so i start trying the two outfits on, going through the red body and skirt first.
i admire myself in the mirror and i love what i see...till i spot mia's figure behind me in the mirror and my confidence falls. her perfect shaped legs, her big ass booty and her olive completion. she's all i ever wanted to look like, and i hate her for that.
that's why i did that to her in the first place, i wanted her to envy me for once. and when i would see the way she looked at me and jack whenever we would pass by, laughing and kissing each other...i can say i lived for that feeling. the perfect girl, with the perfect loving family and perfect life was jealous of me, the girl that life decided not to ever give anything to. that was a dream.
mia gets up and walks to the door. she takes a quick glance at my outfit, then at the other one on the bed.
"go for the other one, maybe you won't look like the slut version of yourself for once" she smiles cheekily at me and then walks out the room.

"mom, christian, joey's here" i tell them walking towards the door "i'll see you later"
"hold on miss" my mom steps in my way "where do you think you're going?" she tells me and i give her a confused look.
"on a date, with joey...i think i've already said that" i tell her
"you're not going anywhere dressed like that, go change and maybe you'll go out" she says and my jaw drops.
i mean i've always known she doesn't like joey, but even telling me to change before going out with him? c'mon, how old am i? 5?
"are you serious?" i cross my arms. my mom looks at christian who got up from the couch and is now walking towards her. he quickly scans my outfit before looking at my mom.
"hailey, why don't you go change so your mom will let you go out and you won't ruin your night?" he suggests. what...the...FUCK!
"excuse me?" i scoff "you're not my dad, you can't tell me how i should dress myself for a date with my boyfriend!" i try to remain calm while the door bell rings repeatedly.
mia walks downstairs "there's literally 3 of you down here and you want to tell me nobody heard the damn doorbell ring?" she rolls her eyes and goes to open the door.
joey's standing outside and i can tell he's surprised when he realizes who's standing in front of him.
"so? you're going to come in or you wanna stay there for the rest of the discussion? cause i think they'll have for a while" she raises her brows at him. when joey doesn't flinch she rolls her eyes and walks away from the door, my boyfriend scanning her whole body.
that makes me go crazy of jealousy and when my mom keeps telling me to respect christian and to go change, i literally bash out on her.
"and you?" i point to my mom "you've never had a problem with what i wear and now all of a sudden you care? that's him" i then point to christian "he's putting stuff in your mind and you're believing him! you're even willing to put up a fight with your own daughter to follow what he tells you!" i yell at her.
"that's because i've never realized how wrong your dressing actually is" she crosses her arms "and now i'm also seeing your behavior is nothing better" she tells me and i hang my mouth open in shock.
"you should clean your self up miss" she points her finger at me and i scoff.
"you can't be serious right now" i tell her.
"okay let's do this: if mia's willing to lend you some of her clothes, you can go out" my mom tells me and when i overhear mia's voice saying 'no way', i'm sent right over the edge.
"THAT'S FUCKING IT!" i yell at the top of my lungs and everyone goes quiet "me or him, pick a side" i point my finger to myself and then to christian.
"hailey don't be ridiculous" my mom laughs at my face
"i said me or him, pick a fucking side" i grit my teeth and her face turns serious.
" can't ask me that!" she shouts while i stay steady.
"but i am, now you either pick a side or you won't see me ever again" i may be exaggerating but i don't fucking care, that's what i think right now.
"okay okay okay" mia gets up from te couch and walks over to me "why don't you calm yourself down while hailey and i choose a better outfit for her date tonight?" she smiles at my mom and christian, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the stairs. i try straddling my arm out of her grip but it just makes it tighten even more "i swear to god if you don't move your ass and walk upstairs with me i'll make your life a living hell" she whispers in my ear.

joe's pov

"i'm sorry about that j, i think you should go upstairs to calm your girl down" chris pats my shoulder and i nod, shooting one last glance at susan.
i walk upstairs and stop in my tracks when i spot mia and hailey talking outside mia's room.
i make sure they can't see me and eavesdrop their conversation...
"your dad is intoxicating my mom's head!" hailey whisper yells at mia, who just scoffs crossing her arms
"we both know that's not true. your mom bashed out like that, my dad doesn't have anything to do with it" she says and hailey laughs.
"oh really? cause it sounded like he was taking her defense!"
"that's because you were fighting! do i have to repeat myself? his girlfriend and her daughter fighting right under his nose! what was he supposed to do? of course he's trying to find a compromise" mia justifies her dad and i furrow my brows. the mia i know would have yelled at hailey to shut the fuck up and not dare saying one word about her dad.
"he didn't try to compromise, he told me to go fucking change!" hailey yells and mia smacks her hand on her mouth.
"now this is what we're going to do: i'll let you pick an outfit out of my closet and i'll let you wear it on your stupid date tonight" i smirk at the hint of jealousy clear in her tone "then i'll make it up to your mom and my dad for you so you'll be able to go out with your stupid boyfriend" she continues and it takes all my self control not to get out of my hidden spot and bash out on her "and while we're doing this you'll keep your mouth shut" she glares at hailey, slowly taking her hand off her mouth.
"and what do you get out of it?" hailey asks suspicious. there's no way mia's doing this for free.
"you're never going to repeat what you said down there ever again" she stares dead in hailey's eyes "you'll be happy about our parents being together and you'll support their relationship"
"but i'm not happy about it" hailey frowns
"that's none of my business, pretend. and maybe i'll leave you alone and make less jokes about you being a whore" mia says and hailey is about to snap back, but then thinks about it and keeps it to herself.
"good" mia smiles and pulls her in her room.

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