Night Three

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Fio's POV

I woke up at 11:05 pm heading down to the kitchen and making some coffee my mind wandered off to the events of the previous day? Night? I don't know just go with it. I finished my coffee and went to my room I changed out of my pjs and into my uniform and went back down to watch anime until work

*Time skip*

I checked the time 11:45 I should get going turning off the tv and grabbing my keys I left the house and headed off to the pizzeria I made it just as 12 o'clock sounded I saw Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie talking on stage Foxy must be in his cove I went over to them "Hey guys" they all turned toward me "Hey Fio" Bonnie greeted Freddy smiled and waved and Chica came over to me "Hey Baking Bud you want to help me with making cupcakes" she asked me cheerfully I nodded "as long as I get to eat some I'm down" I said following her out of the stage room and to the kitchen were she had all the baking stuff laid out in front of us on the counter we started baking the cupcakes "So how many batches we need" I asked mixing the frosting while she mixed the batter "About 12 batches should be enough" she said I nodded and we started to talk and catch up on what's been going on each other's lives.

*Time skip*

Once we finished the cupcakes it was already time for me to go I gave Chica a hug said goodbye to everyone and left back home.

*Time skip*

I got out of the car and walked inside and went to my room when I opened the door and saw my brother sitting on my bed staring at me. "Hello Fio I see your back" he said never breaking eye contact "Yup, do you need something" I asked curious to see why he was in my room he grinned and shook his head "No not really just wanted to know how your liking the pizzeria so far" he said looking back to my face "It's fine, if that's all you need you can leave I want to get some sleep before work tomorrow" I said his grin seemed to grow and he stood up watching towards the door "Of course good night" he said and with that he left  I went and laid on my bed not being able to sleep so I just stared at the ceiling thinking.

Word Count 430

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