Night One

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Fio's POV

A/N okay so same deal with Mangle I'm going to write as if Funtime Foxy is a girl I'm well aware that's not determined yet and may never be but I find easier to write that way not meant to trigger you so ya TRIGER WARNING MAYBE okay now on to the fanfic....

I arrived at the location in my uniform like normal and went in the elevator a keypad popped up and asked for my name I typed my name but completely messed because of the glitching "I see you had some trouble with the keypad I see what you were trying to type and I will auto correct it for you one moment welcome Eggs-" the voice what cut off and another voice was heard "Fiona Afton" I continued the decent down till we reached the bottom "You May now open the elevator door using the bright and obvious looking button let's get to work" I opened the door and went through the vent listened to Hand unit rant about our job once I reached the room on the other side of the vent and listened to Hand unit "Look to the window on your left" I turned to the left "This is the Ballora Gallery party room and dance studio encouraging kids to get fit and enjoy pizza let's turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage press the blue button on your elevated keypad to see your left" I pressed the button andI saw Ballora wasn't there "Uh oh it looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing let's give her some motivation press the red button now to administer a controlled shock maybe that will put the spring back in her step" Hand Unit told me "NO WAY, I am not going to shock them No way I grabbed the wire attacted to the shock button and ripped it out "Let's check the light again" I checked the light and there stood Ballora and her Minirena's dancing on her stage I smiled slightly before Hand Unit spoke "Exelent Ballora is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow now view the window to your right this is the Funtime Auditorium where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share let's check the light and see what Funtime Foxy is up to" I pressed the blue button and didn't see her there "It looks like Funtime Fixy is taking the day off let's motivate Funtime Foxy with a controlled shock" I shook my head and ripped the shock button wires out "No way Hand Unit not happening" I checked the light and saw her on her stage "Great job looks like everything is in working order now ahead of you is another vent shaft crawl through it to the Circus Gallery Control Module I nodded and went through the vent I reached the other side and looked around before Hand Unit spoke again "On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby's Auditorium let's check the light and see what Baby is up too" I clicked the blue button nothing there "Looks like a few of the lights are out but we will fix that later let's encourage Baby with a mother controlled shock" I shook my head ripping out the wires I checked the light and saw her really close to the glass "Thank you" she whispered and Hand Unit spoke again "Great Jon Circus Baby we knew we could count on you that concludes your duty's for the night please leave using the vent behind you" I nodded and left staring off home guess I'll head back tomorrow....

Word count 619

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