Looking Back At What Brother Left Me

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Fio's POV

I woke up the next morning my head pounding I went to the kitchen to grab some Advil I opened the cupboard and out fell a note I picked it up it was a set of directions I filed it over

Dear Fiona, I want you to have my new pizzeria or at least make sure someone takes care of it I was going to put it together and sell it but that didn't work out as you can see there are directions on the back of this card follow them and put together my new pizzeria for me won't you I love you a Fio I always will
-Your Brother William

I stared at the note and decided I would go there on Monday I put the note in my pocket took an Advil and went back up to my room I sat on my bed turned on the TV and put on an Anime I snuggled in the covers and watched TV.

Word count 169

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