Night Two

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Fio's POV

I woke up at 11:30 and got in my uniform and the rest of my morning routine before going downstairs and grabbing my keys heading to the car.

*Time skip*

I got to the pizzeria and walked to my office things were pretty normal so far until Toy Chica appeared in the vent I met her eyes she climbed out of the vent and stared at me I went to grab my mask but I had no idea where I put it so I nervously smiled at her for a moment "Hey Toy Chica" I said staring at her. She stared at me before grabbing my arm and dragging me somewhere finally we stopped in the main room Freddy standing in the middle of the stage Toy Bonnie sitting at one of the tables Toy Chica letting go of me went and sat next to Toy Bonnie "Hello you must be Fio right" Toy Freddy asked hopping off the stage he walked over to me "Yup Fiona Afton" I said he chuckled "Okay then well I promised a friend if I saw you I wouldn't have you killed so welcome to Fazbear Entertainments new pizzeria" He said looking me in the eyes "What friend?" I asked my curiosity rising. "The old crew back when they were in commission" he explained I nodded "Thank you sir" he nodded "Okay then I'll be backstage don't bother me I'm busy" he said walking away Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica walked up to me "Sorry about dragging you I needed to get you to Freddy how about me and Toy Bonnie show you around" Toy Chica asked I smiled and nodded "Follow us then" Toy Chica And Toy Bonnie started leading me around then we made it to the prize corner two animatronics that resembled children sat on the counter "Hey BB Hey JJ" Toy Chica said waving to the two "Hi TC (Toy Chica)" BB said waving "Who's that?" JJ asked staring at me "Oh this is Fio, Fio this is Balloon Boy or BB" she said pointing at one of the two animatronics "and that's Balloon Girl or JJ" she said pointing to the other. "Hello" BB and JJ said at the same time I gave a small wave "Hi" they smiled and suddenly the box in the corner opened and out came a puppet like thing Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica backed up out of the room and BB and JJ got off the counter the puppet stared at me and I stared back at it "Hello" I said the puppet stared at me "Fiona Afton" it said tilting its head to the left "Why didn't you tell anyone" it asked "What do you mean" I asked backing up a little "That he killed them, That your brother William Afton killed them that he left them in the back room why didn't you say anything" he asked me "I-I..." I could barely speak "You what why didn't you tell someone" he asked
"I-I was scared I didn't want to lose my brother I couldn't do it I couldn't be the one to send him away I-I just couldn't do it" I said looking to the ground tears streaming down my face "You couldn't do it and look what happened he killed more innocent children took there lives and I gave them new life here as the animatronics I put them in the suits I tried to save them but you couldn't do it you couldn't stop him" he asked tears dropping from my face to the floor "I can't believe how selfish you are " he continued "I-I'm sorry..." I said barely audible "What was that" he asked "I'M SORRY" I yelled tears streaming down my face crying uncontrollably I fell to my knees "Weak" he said leaving back into the box JJ and BB came
over to me clearly worried about what happened "Are you alright" BB said but I couldn't find it in me to reply I just sat there whispering over and over "I'm sorry" just then the 6 am bell rang and I ran as fast as I could and went to my car going home and running to my room crying I collapsed on my bed and curled into a ball crying whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Word Count 732

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