Chapter 2: 1st Day of School

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Day 2: Monday

Classmate: Hi there! I'm Mel! Your ordinary, overly happy classmate. What's your name?

You: Mary...

Mel: Nice to meet you! Since you're new, let me show you around!

You notice Mel staring at you for a little bit. Thankfully, she stops before it becomes a bit too awkward. You were always the quiet type in class. Rae is a very small town.

Mel:We rarely get new students so you'll be the center of attention for awhile.

You silently nod and observe the building. The building was like a long hallway with stairs at the end of it. The gym/cafeteria was located on the opposite end of school. You could easily get from one end of the school to the other in less than five minutes. The library was located upstairs, directly above the gym.

Mel: Let's go to class! It's going to start soon.

We run up the stairs and walk into the room with a big sign that said 11th. Mel opens the sliding door and gestures me to walk in. The desks were organized in rows. As we walk in, everyone immediately stops their conversations and an awkward silence fills the room.

Mel: Guys, this is the new student! She's really quiet, but she's really cute, right?

You blush, hearing Mel say something so embarrassing. Several students murmur to each other. Looking at the class, there are about 20 students. The difference between girls and boys was mostly even. You notice there was one boy surrounded by many students. He stared at you and gave you a warm smile. You slightly smile back. After a couple of seconds, everyone continues their normal conversations as if nothing happened.

You can't help but notice him. His hair was black like yours. His face was perfectly shaped like a sculpture. It seemed like every feature he had was simply... breath-taking. His eyes, of course, we the most beautiful. They were the color of caramel. A light brown mixed in with a tint of gold. He was a prince.

Mel: (whispers) That's Henry, the number one charmer of the school.

You chuckle quietly, only Mel notices. Suddenly, the door behind you slides open.

?: Excuse me, are you the new student?

You jump, surprised by a voice that washed over your heart like like a wave. It was a light, manly, sound you've never heard. You turn around and see another boy. Similar to Henry, he had very unique features. His hair reminded you of a dark brown, almost black. Even though he smiling, his green, jade-colored eyes were sad.

You: Yes... Um... I'm Mary...

Boy: Mary... What a nice name. I'm Mark. I'm also in this class.

Mel: He's also twin brothers with Henry!

Mark slightly friend at Mel. You realize that's why Mari and Henry were so similar. They resembled each other a bit.

Mark: You don't have to worry about finding a desk. We're going to switch desks today.

At the same moment he finishes, a tall man with glasses walks in.

Man: Everyone, line up at the back of the classroom. Oh, you must be Mary. I'm Mr. Kale. Your locker is the last one over there. You nod at Mr. Kale and put your stuff into your locker. You then join everyone at the back of the room. Mr. Kale holds a hat with slips of paper inside.

Mr. Kale: You will draw a number and sit at that numbered desk. I don't care if you switch numbers.

Mr. Kale starts at the beginning of the line, the students draw papers you get desk #13.

Mel: Mary! What number did you get?

You: Thirteen...

Mel freezes. You can tell something's wrong.

Mel: Um... Do you h-happen to have any kind of birthmark on your arm...?

By now, everyone was silent again. They were all watching you and Mel. You were confused how Mel knew about your birthmark. You roll up your sleeve and show Mel your heart-shaped birthmark.

You: Yeah, I do. How did you know?

Mel, shocked, starts taking steps away from you. Your classmates do the same. Only Henry and Mark remain by you. You quickly roll your sleeve down.

You: (flustered) U-um... What's wrong....?

Henry walks close to you and holds your left hand as he crouches down on his knee. Mark does the same with your right hand. They lightly kiss your hands.

Henry: You're mine this time, my darling.

Mark: Stay with me, my princess.


So... How's the second chapter? I know the chapters are pretty short, XD~ It looks like the face has a goatee! A new creation has been born! Anyway, excuse my randomness~ Have a good day~!

~Meh :3

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