Chapter 9: Eating at the Café

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Day 5: Thursday

Mark: I want to take you to one of my favorite places.

You: Okay~

Mark has been walking with you for five minutes.

Mark: We're here!

In front of you is a small pastry shop. There are a few people inside, most are chatting, some are studying. You open the door and it makes a small 'ding' noise.

?: Hey! It's Mark! Whoa! With a girl too! That's a first!

The voice belonged to the guy standing behind the counter. He had brown hair that was styled so it swooped up then down. His black glasses matches his eyes that were bright and full of energy. He seemed a bit older than you, maybe about 18?

Mark: Mary, this is CNU. CNU, this is Mary.

You: Hello, nice to meet you.

CNU: Hellooo! I'm CNU, the one you want to go to when you wanna talk to someone!

You: Okay!

You giggle, CNU seems like a nice guy.

CNU: So! What'cha wanna order? The menu's behind me.

There was a huge black board behind CNU. It had all sorts of different items on it. There was cake, cupcakes, pie, brownies, and all sorts of other pastries. You like the sound of cheesecake.

You: I'll have a raspberry cheesecake please.

CNU: Yep! Comin' right up! What about you, Mark? The usual?

Mark: Yup.

CNU: That'll be five dollars please.

You pull out a five dollar bill and hand it to CNU.

CNU: No, not you. Let Mark pay. This is your first date, right? You're too slow Mark!

Mark was struggling to zip up his backpack after he handed CNU the money.

CNU: Here you guys go!

He hands up I a plate with a slice of cheesecake. There were swirls of purple blending in with the white. It looked delicious.

You: Thank you!

CNU: No problem. Here's yours Mark.

CNU gives Mark a piece of coffee cheesecake.

Mark: Thanks. Mary, let's sit over there.

You and Mark walk over to the corner table that had two seats. A case with a red rose was in the middle. You sit down and Mark sits across from you. Mark picks up his fork and puts it in his mouth. He chews slowly, savoring the taste. He notices you staring at him.

Mark: Is there something on my face?

You blush and shake your was. Why were you staring at him anyway? You take a slice a of cheesecake. Mmmmm. It was so good~ The cheesecake seemed to melt in your mouth and the raspberry sauce complimented the taste.

Mark: Do you like it?

You: Yes! It's so good!

Mark: Haha, glad you like it.

You and Mark finish the cheesecakes.

Mark: Are you positive Henry didn't do anything strange to you?

Did he bully you or anything?

You: Yes! I'm positive. He didn't do anything.

Mark still looks unconvinced. He points at your hair clip.

Mark: Is that yours? I haven't seen you wear it before.

You: Well... Henry gave it to me earlier.

Mark: Let me see that.

He takes the hair clip and observes it. He pushes a small switch. Has that always been there?

Mark: Henry was listening in on this conversation. He probably knows where we are right now too...

?: Hahaha!

You turn around and see Henry sitting a couple tables away.

Henry: What a sore loser, already spoiling my fun.

Mark: It's not very nice to eavesdrop on people or stalk them.

Henry: It's not stalking because I'm not a stranger. Admit it, you would want to put a GPS on her phone too. Or have you already done that?

Mark: I-I would not. I respect the princess's privacy!

Henry: Should I show her that?

Mark: No! I will murder you in your sleep if you do that!

Henry: Chill bro, I was kidding.

Mark: Hmph.

You wonder what they were talking about... Suddenly, a group of girls from your school come in the coffee shop. They order and sit across the room but you can hear them.

?: Oh my god. Look at Mary. She's hanging out with them again. Cheh!

?: I know right! Who does she think she is?

You are embarrassed and decide the sooner you get out of the coffee shop, the better. You quickly say good bye to the guys and rush out.


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