Chapter 3: Prophecies

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Day 2: Monday

You tell your face warming up. The boys let go of your hands. Quickly, you cover your face.

Mark and Henry: Look, we have the same mark.

On their arms were half hearts. They were glowing. The other students start talking. You hear parts of their sentences.

?: She doesn't know.

?: I knew it.

?: The prophecy is coming true.

?: We should tell her...

?: They'll probably explain it...

?: She's actually the princess....

?: I can't believe it.

Mr. Kale whistles loudly.

Mr. Kale: Take your seats!!!

Everyone shuffles to their seat. Mark sits in front of you. Mark looks at you, concerned. Henry sits behind you grinning as if he's planning something. The blonde girl next to you scowls. She scribbles something on a sheet of paper and throws it at you. Instinctively, catch it, which surprises you. You never had good reflexes... You open the note,

You, me, after school, behind the school. OR ELSE.

The rest of the terrible. Everyone in your class kept avoiding you. Henry and Mark were always nearby, but didn't say anything. Mel treated you like a stranger. You at the table by yourself. Everyone in the lunchroom was gossiping about you. Even the lunch ladies looked at you suspiciously.

At the end of the day, you open your locker. Dozens of papers fall out. You shove them in your bag, you'll read them later. Remembering the blonde girl, you walk outside and head toward the back of the school. When you get there, no one was insight. The grass dances as the wind blows. You hear some rustling. Suddenly, your instincts start screaming at you.

Take a step to your left!

You decide to obey and take a step. Just as you step out, you see her appear out of nowhere and lunges at you. The blade almost scratched your face, just barely. You fall, the girl hovers above you.

Girl: Why you!!!

This time, the girl raised her blade above her head and prepares to stab you. Before the brings her arms down, Henry is behind her, grasping her hands.

Henry: Let go, sweetie. You don't need to take revenge for me. I'm fully capable of doing that myself.

He smirks, the girl lets go of the knife and drops onto her knees. Henry swiftly turns his head toward you. You flinch as he starts walking to you. He crouches in front of you. His long fingers gently strike your face. His other hand grabs your chin, pulling you toward. You realize, he's gonna kiss you! You shut your eyes tightly. You feel his breath on your lips. He gets closer and closer...

Suddenly, his hands lets if and there us a blast of wind. You open your eyes and, he's gone? Instead of Henry, you see Mark, his leg stretched out like he kicked something. Looking at 20 yards away, Henry is standing, arms crossed.

Henry: Dude! What the heck! I already said, she's mine!

Mark: She's not yours. She didn't love you in the past and won't now either!

Henry: Who are you to decide who she loves or doesn't love?!

You: U-um.... Guys... Don't fight..

Mark walks behind you and hugs you. His arms were strong, but he was warm.

Mark: I won't fight in front of you princess.

Henry: Hmph.

Henry walks away and mutters something. Mark faces you.

Mark: Are you okay? I didn't mean to frighten you.

You: Yeah... I'm okay...

Mark: If Henry ever does something you don't like, your welcome to punch him then run away.

You: P-punch? Um... I don't want to hurt him though....

Mark: A punch won't hurt him. He's a spirit in human form.

You: A spirit?

Mark: You and I are too. Spirits are beings that stay on Earth due to an attachment if any sort. In our case, it's a spell, keeping us here, that I cast.

You: What spell did you cast?

Mark: A spell of unrequited love. All three of is are stuck in the cycle of living. We die when we're 16 and get reborn again. The only way to stop the cycle is if one of us seals their love with you.

You: Why me? I'm nobody special...

Mark: Because you were caught in our love triangle.

Henry and I love you, but you didn't. We fought for you attention, your love. After many years of persistence, you agreed to marry me. But our wedding was destroyed by Henry when he killed you, since you didn't love him. Then I cast a spell where I could try again. I don't plan on giving up anything soon. Henry and I are enemies, and we have one target, you.


Hello, it's Meh again~ Anime club is so chaotic right now lol. Life is great~ So how's the story so far? Please comment and tell me what you think!

~Meh :3

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