Chapter 14: And the Very Next Day...

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Day 8: Sunday

You wake up to the sound of birds chirping. Your eyelids felt heavy. You get up and look at the yourself in the mirror. To looked like a disaster. Your hair was messy, all tangled together. Your eyes, red from crying last night. After you left the boys' house yesterday, you replayed your words over and over.

You brush your teeth and decide to take a morning shower. The hot water felt good on your skin. You walk out of the bathroom and dry yourself. You throw on a swear shirt and some sweat pants.

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang. Crossing your fingers, hoping it's not Henry, you open the door. Instead, it was your older brother, Key!

Key: 'Sup Mar Mar. I came over for a visit.

You: Hello!!!

Your brother walks in. He has grown a lot since the last time you saw him. He has red hair and some ear piercings. He may look like a tough guys, but he has always loved you. He isn't your blood related brother, but he has always treated you like you were his real sister.

Key: So, how's life?

You: It's pretty chaotic right now..

Key: Chaotic enough to make you cry?

You: How'd you know?

Key: I know you better than anyone else. Your eyes are red.

Key hugs you. He's always been the soothing type. His large arms wraps around your body. You feel calm. You hear the sound of his heartbeat.

Badump. Badump. Badump.

Key: Let's sit down and you can tell me all about the last few days.

For the next hour or so, you tell Key everything. You end up crying again, telling him the harsh words you said yesterday.

Key: If you regret it that much, you should apologize. Maybe this Henry will forgive you.

You: Really...?

Key: I'll bet. Who doesn't accept an apology from a girl with red eyes? Also, I bet his has a reason for telling you about Mark and Kris... It might not be true, I can't imagine Kris like that.

You: Why would he say that then?

Key: I'm not sure but he'll probably tell you sooner or later. You know what? I'll prepare lunch. You can forget about him as you eat my delicious food.

You: Okay...

Key walks into the kitchen and prepares stuff. You turn on the TV and watch a show for an hour. You can smell meat sauce from the kitchen.

Key: Lunch is ready! C'mon in!

You turn the TV off and walk into the kitchen. In front of you was a plate of ravioli. It smells so delicious and so beautiful. The ravioli was cut perfectly with meat sauce spread around it nicely. There was a sprinkle of cheese at the top. No one could ever beat your brother when it comes to cooking Italian food.

You: It looks great, Key! Are you still working at that Italian restaurant?

Key: No, I quit there.

You: Why?

Key: Because I recently got a job invitation to go to Italy to work for a very famous restaurant!

You: That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me?

Key: I came over today to tell you. I wanted to cook lunch for you. I might not be able to see you for awhile.

You: Oh...

Key: You'll come visit me, right?

You: Of course!

Key: Well then, let's eat now!

You: Okay!

The ravioli tasted... incredible. You can compare it to the French food you ate at Mark's and Henry's house. This was much better. Maybe since Key made it specifically for you.

You and Key had another long conversation at the table. This time, Key told you about working the restaurant and what he had been happening in his life. When you both finished the meal, you pick up the dishes. Key helps you wash the dishes.

Key: This is like old times, right?

You: Yep!

You finish washing the dishes and Key invites you to play some video games. You play MarioKart on the Wii. No matter which character or vehicle you chose, Key kept beating you. You had a wonderful afternoon.


There are so many tests coming up... So much studying!!! At least winter break is coming up yay!

~Meh :3

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