Chapter 6: Dodgeball

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Day 4: Wednesday

Last night went like a blur. You washed Mark's and Mel's clothes and ironed them. You had them safely tucked inside your bag. For good measure, you put a spare change of clothes inside too. You had a quick breakfast today, toast.

At school, you returned Mark's shirt and sneaked Mel's jacket into her locker. Hopefully, today would be a less chaotic day compared to the others. The day was going perfectly fine until Mr. Kale mentioned, today was a P.E day.

You hate P.E. You've never been good at it. You can't catch any balls that come toward you, people throw way too hard. You seem to trip over your own feet whenever you run. You struggle at lifting weights, while everyone else is lifting with ease. You completely dreaded P.E.

Teacher: Hello. I'm Mr. William. My job is to improve your survival skills. We will be doing, not playing, dodgeball. The rules are simple, be the last one standing. If you get hit by a ball, you're done.

You get to come over by me and tell you got kill-, cough hit. If you can't give a valid reason, you get to do 50 push ups. If you catch a ball, wonderful, the other person is out.

Survival is the key! Any questions?! Get to it! Mark! Henry! Choose your teams! Rock Paper Scissors it out like real men!

Mark and Henry: Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

Henry: YEAH!

Henry beat Mark with rock. Mark looked depressed and walked up to you.

Mark: I'm so sorry princess. I failed you, you'll be in the hands of that DEVIL... Ugh...

Mr. William: C'mon ladies! We ain't got no time to waste!

Henry: Mary, come here.

You walks over to Henry. He starts patting your head.

Henry: We're gonna beat that stupid brother of mine. Heh heh.

Mark and Henry took turns choosing their teams. Once they finished, each team stood on one side of the gym with red colored balls lined up in the middle.

Mr. William: Ready! GO! Get moving!

Then all hell broke loose. Everyone ran toward the middle and chucked balls into each other's faces. In 30 seconds, only half of both teams were left. 5 vs. 5. A boy across from you, threw one at you.

Duck! It was the voice again. You crouched onto your knees. The object whizzed passed you and slammed into the wall behind you with a loud thud.

You shudder, thinking you'd probably get killed if that hit you. Ball, to your left 0.5 meters away. You pick the ball and decide to listen to your "instincts". Throw ball 65 degrees using right arm. Lightly toss 2 seconds after boy turns around.

Right as the voice stopped, the boy runs toward a rolling ball. One, two! You throw as hard as you can. It floats in the air. Surprisingly, it hits the boys on the back. Now there 4 left on the other team.

Henry: Nice Mary! And here I thought you were a little spoiled princess who couldn't even throw a ball! Here, I'll show you a trick. Watch.

Henry winks and picks up two balls. He tosses some up into the air. The other team watches it. In that short amount of time, Henry slams the ball at one of the people distracted by it.

Victim: Oof!

The score is now 5 to 3. A couple seconds, you lose a girl your side. The balls go back and forth. Soon enough, it's you, Mark, and Henry.

Mark: I'm sorry Mary, but I won't lose to Henry!

Mark tosses the ball into the air and hits it hard with his right hand. It comes sailing at you. You close your eyes and cross your arms. However, it never did hit you. You open your eyes and see Henry blocking the ball from you. It hits him in the chest. He falls down.

You: Henry! Are you okay?

Henry: Mary, this is my dying wish~ Kill him with this.

Henry holds up a ball and you take it. You sprint toward the center line. Pull your right arm back. Throw it up and hard. In one fluid motion you let the ball go. It flies up at an incredible speed and... Slows down?

The balls drop down so slowly, anyone could catch it. You sigh and turn around. The game is over. Strangely enough, you hear a soft thump? You turn around and see the ball bounce off Mark's head. His arms are outstretched preparing to catch it.

Mark: Dang it. I though I got it...

Your team cheers and runs towards you. Henry, who somehow "revived", picks you up and throws you in the sir.

Henry: You did it Mary! You beat Mark! Whoop whoop!

You smile and feel really happy. As soon as Henry puts you down, you run over to Mark.

You: Mark... Are you okay?

Mark: Yeah... I rushed to school today and forgot to put in my contacts. I didn't want to wear my glasses, that was be so uncool. And I thought you wouldn't recognize me.

You crack up and start laughing really hard.

You: Pfft! I've never heard of that! Glasses changing people to the point that they are unrecognizable by their own friend! You're so funny Mark!

Mark: You don't think it's weird if I have glasses?

You: Nope! I know a lot if people who do and it won't change who you are anyway! You seem to worry about the smallest things you know'

Mark: I guess so!

Mark joins you and starts laughing too.


YAY! This story got 100 views! Thanks guys! R's and Mae's stories have gotten thousands but we'll get there someday~ And, it's Friday!!! Can't wait till the end of the school day already! XP This is probably the longest chapter I've written for this this story, woah.

~Meh :3

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