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Later that morning Izuku and Eri stood at the front gates of UA. He couldn't leave Eri to be alone and so he brought her with him.

"I don't think we're supposed to be here" she said with a worried face

Izuku placed a hand on her head and got down to her level.

"Nii-chan is just going to take the exam and will be back. You'll have yo wait here"


Eri looked worried. She was worried for her brother.

"Nii-chan will be surrounded by heroes and-"

"Don't worry about that, Eri you will be safe and I won't let them find out that easily"

Izuku led the way and then decided to look for a teacher to take care of Eri. Instantly he ran into Aizawa. He prayed with all his heart, mind, body and soul the man did not recognize him

Aizawa stared at the black haired boy. He had a horn growing out from the left side of his forehead and he had blood red eyes.

There was a little girl about 8 or 7 with him. Silver hair, horn growing out from the right side of her forehead and once again blood red eyes.

They must be siblings he thought.

They both looked awfully familiar somehow.

"Sorry sir" the boy said apologizing

"But I was hoping someone could watch over my sister while I take the exam"

"Why didn't leave at her at home with your parents or something" Aizawa asked sounding annoyed

"We live alone, our Parents died a while back. We're supported by a distant relative that's not in the country" Izuku said coming up with the perfect lie

Aizawa now felt horrible. He let out a sigh.

"Name" he asked

Izuku chuckled in victory

"I'm Akagami Kuronuske, call me Kuro. My sister is Akagami Eri. She'll be in your care for now" he said bowing politely

He ushered the small girl forward. Eri didn't seem to be afraid of the man. It was as though she knew him. She knew he would protect her. Just as much as Izuku would protect her. She felt safe with him. She smiled warmly and approached the tall man clad in black.

Aizawa was taken aback. Kids were usually afraid of him. But he shook of the feeling and took the girl away to the staff room.

Aizawa POV

This year's candidates looked quite good to some of the other teachers. But what caught my attention was that some of them had something in common.

Two of the recommended students had the drifter mark. Something fishy was going on. Everything felt strange. As though I had lived through this already. I shook of the feeling and knew it was impossible.

The girl, Eri clung to my pant leg and watched the exam. Everyone wondered why I brought in the kid and just explained the situation.

My eyes were plastered on Akagami. His quirk seemed to turn the robots to dust. No cause it to age and turn to rust. The horn on his head grown considerably more. I looked down to the little girl.

She was watching her brother closely and looked worried. Akagami seemed to be waiting for something now that he had collected enough points. He was sitting on one of the tall buildings in the area....

Everyone decided to release the zero pointer. It then clicked the boy was waiting for the zero pointer. The moment it rose, was the moment it met it's downfall.

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