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The whole of Kamino was destroyed. All around was destroyed. Not a single building stood. In the center of the destruction a battle still waged on.

But all over in different cities villains and Nomus had fallen. The heroes and vigilantes helping were winning. Some drifters had finally gotten their payback against the villains under All For One.

And now everything was hinging on the outcome of the battle down in Kamino between the two successors

A daring reporting crew in a chopper took footage and broadcasted for all to see. Many people held onto to each other praying for their side to win

Shigaraki found himself facing a punch coming from Deku. The villain jumped back the avoided the blow.

The hero created a crater, shaking the ruined area. Black whip shot out. Shigaraki didnt react quick enough. Deku pulled him in and got a hit in.

Again and again but the villain wasn't going down. The villain twisted and kicked Deku in the head. The blow sent the boy crashing into the ground, skidding dangerously across.

Deku teleported behind Shigaraki but the man was expecting it. The villain kicked to the chest but the boy brought up his hands and blocked.

One eye red and one eye green. Deku was going to loose it soon.

"Why do you fight for them Midoriya" Shigaraki asked

Deku's head was pounding. He couldn't feel any connection to All For One. That gave him hope. But then again what would happen if he lost it. He didnt want to think of it

"Why do I fight?" He repeated Shigaraki's question

"I do it cause thats the right thing to do"

"We are no different. You killed and became a villain like me. If anything we are brothers!" Shigaraki shouted

"Your father was my master, he raised me!"

"He turned you into a monster!" Deku shouted back

"You're right, I killed, and I became a villain" Deku cried

"But I'm different from you" Deku launched at the villain

Izuku feinted to the left. Shigaraki didnt fall for it. He blocked his shoot style that came from the right and grabbed the boy and slammed him into the ground

For a second Deku lost his breath. Shigaraki's hand came down on him. Deku powered up and flicked his finger over 100%.

The blast blew of Shigaraki's hand and threw him back. Black and red tendrils grew out his now open wound. Found his severed arm and reattached it

"How are you different from me Midoriya" Shigaraki asked. The hand on his face had fallen. He had a sullen face

"I don't kill for the joy of it!" Deku shouted

"And you think I do!" Shigaraki shouted back.

Blood tears began to pour down from his eyes. A strangled smile on his face

This froze Deku to the spot.

"The first people I killed was my family, only their hands remained. I had a smile when I watched my father crumble but did I enjoy it!?"

"My mother, my grandparents, my sister" Shigaraki began to claw at his neck

"Do you really think I enjoyed watching the people that cared for me crumble into nothing!?" He screamed out

"Where were the heroes back then, they could have saved them. They could have saves them from me"

Deku stood there and listened to the man. One thing he learned from his enemy today was that he was broken.

Rewind (villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now