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Time skip

Akagami Kuronuske waited anxiously to see his teacher, his mentor. The man came yelling and bursting through the not like a normal person. Almight.

He missed his master.

Almight POV

I walked in and noticed young Bakugou was there. Young Akagami sitting behind him. I somehow felt sad. I felt as though he shouldn't be here but someone else. I shook the feeling away. How could a teacher fill like that towards his student.

I have already passed on one for all to young Mirio. I felt as though I was betraying someone.

Everyone seemed familiar except young Akagami. It was like a puzzle. One piece was missing and there was a piece that didn't fit. It was the piece was damaged

I brought the children to the training grounds. And explained the training. The seemed to have understood it quite well. And the first round was young Akagami and Uraraka as the heroes and young Iida and Bakugou as the villains.

I and the other students watched them closely. Young Akagami looked as though he had done this before. He was calm and collected. The moment young Bakugou tried a surprise attack him, it looked as though he was expecting it.

Akagami took on Bakugou and Uraraka went for the bomb.

I watched young Akagami turn young Bakugou's gauntlets to dust. He subdued him and tied him up with the capture tape. He predicted all of young Bakugou's moves as though he knew it. All of us were gawking at what looked like immeasurable skill.

We watched as he joined up with young Uraraka. The two charged at young Iida and the bomb. Young Akagami after the villain and young Uraraka after the bomb.

Young Iida was about to move but the floor disappeared from beneath him. The heroes remained afloat. Young Akagami threw young Uraraka to the bomb, securing it with her quirk before it fell with young Iida down to the bottom floor.

"Hero team wins!" I announced

This was to much of an easy win, when I thought about it.

"Well that's how it went" I told everyone in the teachers lounge

"Well that's amazing" Mic voiced

"What's so wrong about that"

"I'm not sure, it just that the way he handled the situation. I can't help but feel as though the boy needs to be watched" I spoke my thoughts

"The kid is always armed and ready. I also think he should be watched" Aizawa added

"I almost lost my head to him"

"WHAT!!!!?!?!?!?" Many of us scream at him

"The kid was suspicious, I followed him home after the exam, he figure I was trailing him and he jumped me with a knife"

"If he hadn't noticed me sooner I would have been dead"

Aizawa said calmly

"I agree, the boy needs to be watched" Nezu said walking in

"The Akagami siblings are hiding something"

"By the way, there has been a lot of drifter activity lately. A hero has managed to capture one"

"Detective Naomasa is currently on the case"

Naomasa POV

This will probably be the case of the century I thought to myself.

I looked up all the information I had on Midoriya Izuku. His mother was a simple house wife. He was a simple plain quirkless kid. A huge fan of heroes and quirks. Was bullied while growing up.

His father wasn't in the picture. Was said to be working abroad, but no information in Hisashi Midoriya came up. No picture. No letter, or anything. It was as though the man didn't exist.

I had some people with mind quirks test Midoriya Inko and the results where that her some of her memories were altered.

I was mentally exhausted. Could Midoriya's father be a villain. Is that why his a villain.

Many questions keep popping up and there was no clue or answer.

Now I was going to go interrogate this Drifter.

The drifter was just an ordinary kid. Was found beating a tug with his quirk.

The quirk was called Top Dog.

Basically he can control the minds of all canine animal. It would've have been that dangerous if the kid hadn't used mixtures dogs that had quirks.

It was rare for animals to have quirks but it was possible. Look at Nezu.

I sighed and entered the room with the kid.

His pets were being held in a pound for now.

The kid had a mask and refused to remove it.

His vigilante name was also Top Dog

"So, Top Dog, mind telling me how you became are drifter and why"

"Like I'd tell you scum" the kid retorted

"Tell me why and your reason why you attacked that man" I decided to threaten him

"Your pets, they're dangerous. We're planning on putting them down. If you cooperate we may change our minds"

"No don't, leave my dogs out of this" the kid snapped

"You know it's illegal to use your quirks against other citizens"

"Well it doesn't stop them from using it against us" the kid retorted with tears in his eyes

"Everyone treats us like trash, we're just getting the justice we deserve!!!"

"Everyone that stands up high and mighty, hiding behind their fake smiles and all. The ones that look down to people like us, the weak, the lost, the quirkless... We're getting justice for us all"

"We are going to bring down those high and mighty bastards"

"That man that I attacked, don't you know of the things he does to his daughters" the kid growled at me

Everything the kid was saying was true. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Tell me what you know of Izuku Midoriya"

"Never heard of him"


"Then tell me what you know about your leader"

"The boss doesn't do kindly to those looking for trouble with us. He cares about us even though he knows nothing about us"

"We don't know what he does, or what his planning of who he is. His like a ghost to all of us. Everyone don't even know ourselves. Everyone's are mystery. We only have one rule and that's, Always look out for each other!"

"Don't you know of the mafia gang that was destroyed a while back"

"That alone was the boss"

Everything this kid was saying was true. How powerful are you, Midoriya Izuku.

Just then I heard the boy gasp...

I looked up and noticed the boy was staring at something behind me. I turned saw another kid with a plain white mask. Before I could even react his hand came down my shoulder...

It became to burn. I dropped to my knees in agony and willed myself not to scream.

Officers watching burst through and began firing. The bullets came but then just dropped to the floor.

Midoriya walked up to Top Dog and placed a hand on his shoulder and just like that they were gone.

"Are you okay" Sansa Saud coming to my aid

I nodded...

I guess I was marked as well. I began to wonder who else would be targeted

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